good or bad idea?


New member
i was thinking about a good way to loose weight fast. I was thinking go on the atkins diet, while cycleing clenbuterol, and doing alot of cardio... anyone have any comments on this ?
the only thing i was thinking could be bad is atkins has you takeing in alot of fats will that counteract the effects of clenbuterol ?
or will it all work out just fine ?
FIRST lets see your current diet, amounts, times, etc. we need stats! height, weight, bodyfat apporx. how long have you been working out.
your approach is not a wise idea to just jump headfirst into what you think would work. adjustments from your current diet and training program can help a great deal first. :)
My stats are
5'5 18 yrs old 145 lbs (up from 132 since ive been at college)
----before i left for college-----
whatever i wanted cuz its 6am

chicken salad no dressing, no breading on the chicken

protein shake at about 2pm

dinner at around 6ish:
a meat, vegitable, fruit

then a mile jog at 10pm

-----after i left for college -----

since ive been at college:
bagle bites or a burrito

tuna and crackers no mayo

snack: some cerial usualy cheerios

spaghetti or something of that nature

as you can see my diet at college has completely changed.
mainly because im dorming and its alot harder to think healthy
when your shopping for yourself.
i started jogging again, im lookin to loose about 15 lbs (the 15 i gained since college started)

my weightlifting habbits used to be 3 hrs a day 6 days a week
now they are whenever i can find time to get out to the gym which is maybe twice a week 3 hrs a day.

i know i know everyones gunna say fuck the atkins just diet period but im lookin to loose the weight as fast as possible by combineing as many different things as i can at once. Im disgusted when i look in the mirror. So im looking for the quickest way to loose it.
Alot of it was i had nothing better to do... most of my friends chose drugs... i did until a point, then i decided to take a hobby i liked alot more seriously, and i upped the bar and went all out.

my whole day revolved around those 3 hrs... in school id sit there thinkin about how much i didnt wanna go to the gym... but id get there do what i had to do and have that feeling after it was all done with, that... thank god i dont have to do it for another 21 hrs lol..
i prefer carb cycling than atkins.too much trans and saturates also fat rebound can be a problem with pure atkins
The numbers sound low but i had enough bulk to make me happy ive wanted a shreaded sixpack for so long and never been able to quite make it there.

this is a pic of me at my peak at
weight 132
height 5'4-5'5
bench max 225
military press max 180
shrug max (smith machine not free weight) 380
thats about all i remember the stats on off hand.

now 225 would probably kill me, after 3 or 4 months of horseing around and not lifting habitualy, and pledgeing a fraternity.

weight 145-150 (ive been afraid to get on the scale)
height 5'5
im not even going to go to the gym and retest my max.
thats why im thinking clenbuterol + diet + cardio.

but back to the point, is there any particular diet i should follow or just the generic low carb high protein?