good pro hormone

I'm currently running a cycle of Epi-Strong (Epistane) and have been pleased. No sides to speak of (that are obvious - we'll see when I get post-cycle bloods), and I've put on a lean 10lbs, with 1 week remaining in the cycle. If you're interested, I've logged it in the 'online journal' forum. Whatever you choose, take it seriously and plan out a proper post cycle therapy (pct). If you don't know what PCT is, do some reading :D. For my cycle, I'm using a SERM. While some go the OTC route, I think it's better to be safe than sorry.

Your funny! "sus2500" anadrall 50""

On a serious note - AndroBulk v3 is orally active and absorbed in the 90 percentile range

Wont kill liver + lipids + is mild on hair line.

Beta testers blood work to show the results.

huh idk what u mean im funny that shit worked for me an i had great results i was also on methoyl val when i did take sus