I do training first thing in a morning, sprinting up hills and circuit training, it lasts around 45min hardly no rest what so ever!
I'm so confused on what to eat before and after?
Any ideas as i have no idea what i should be eating/drinking?
somthing light, with some carbs and protein and fat.
like eg:
25g whey in 1/2cup water and 1 banana on side, if your extra hungry 1-2tbs of peanut butter, the fat will keep you fuller longer, but dont go crazy on the cals.
if this is for fatloss
then dont have the banana, put 2oz or so of olive oil with you protein drink. it will be carbless and not much energy but if its for fat loss, a sugar spike is not the best thing.
I feel fat loss comes more from diet than ANY sort of trainning.
I have lost more fat doing nothign but eating better. then when i used to doo all kinds of crazy shit , jogging, running, tredmill, biking, stepper.
now i just walk alot when i can and i like to ride the bike but it has nothign to do with fatloss when i do.. just sayin.
energy you want a LIGHT meal, protein, carbs and possibly fat depending on your body.
I like all three before workout.