Goods from DPS


New member
I just looked up some more info I some of my porducts and I noticed that some are in different colored bottles does this mean I have been smoked or am I ok. I order LEGAL GEAR M1T cause it had NAC in itand there web-site has it in a blue lid and mine has a white one. Also my Boldione from Molecular is black and the add shows it a white. Am I just bugging or is this ok.
I wouldn't worry about it. Generally you are ok. I mean I really have never heard of counterfit OTC supps.
Yeah I guess your right I just hate it atimes when something just don't look right. I think I might worry too much.
Gonzo, its only natural man! In all honesty I'm pissed as hell cuz the label on the M1T I bought for my stockpile was older and was not new. I recognized the label pattern from two years ago, but I know the company changed this past year. I am calling them to complain. In anycase, it seems to me that a lot of the smaller companies (the non twinlabs, muscletech, pinnacle variety) change labels and packaging often.