Got a problem with my man...


New member
Big problem....

I cant do it for more then 5 mins...

some times it goes longer but suddenly its just start to blast out..

also, it doesnt feel as hard as it should..

My last cycle was test E with dbol.. couple months ago..

aromasin was taken while on and hcg was taken.. post cycle therapy (pct) was good too..

should I try some blue pills? or I was looking at Rui stuff..

and they had liquid V, and liquid Cia..

both the saame stuff?

what do u guys recommand?

btw, should I put a hold on my next cycle..?

test E /dbol / deca
Deca did the same shit to me for a LONG time.. I bought both liquid Varden and Cia, used them alone in huge doses, togeather in low doses and togeather in high doses and got no results.. Only thing thast worked for me was viagra 100's.. not even regular cialis worked for me.
Oh dang..

So do u use Viagra all the time? no heart problems?

How about when u have test in U..? I mean when using test... u still have problems?
Oh dang..

So do u use Viagra all the time? no heart problems?

How about when u have test in U..? I mean when using test... u still have problems?

oh no, im good now, but was down for monthhsss. Im sure after my upcoming Dbol/Anadrol/Test/Deca cycle ill be down for a while though again.. im all stacked up on viagras though so im good :)