Got a question here about MK-677


I am interested in taking mk-677. But don't have the funds to continually take MK-677 a 25mg a pop. Would I be wasting my time if I took MK-677 at 5mg a day?? Would it be worth it?? I am already on 100mg Test Cyp E7D (TRT).....

Just asking,
I am interested in taking mk-677. But don't have the funds to continually take MK-677 a 25mg a pop. Would I be wasting my time if I took MK-677 at 5mg a day?? Would it be worth it?? I am already on 100mg Test Cyp E7D (TRT).....

Just asking,

no - not even close. Clinical testing was done at 25mg / day. Most folks run at between 20 - 30mg. 5mg? Not worth it.

It's like asking, is it worth taking 10mg of Test Cyp E7D?
Thanks AverageMan. I have read that MK-677 does not negatively affect the prostate gland like ghrp's and Mod GRF 1-29. Is that true also??
If my money was tight I wouldnt even think of using a sarm. I would just run some good ol test and eat well. Cheaper and way more effective. Some guys including myself are running 5mg of cialis a day to combat enlarged prostate. Myabe look into that.