MK-677 bloodworks after 2 month of usage


New member
Hey guys, havent posted here for a very long time (over 3 years now), actually my first cycle was with some of this forum pros' helps i remember halfwit i think was his name, not sure if he's still here.

anyway abit about my stats:
im 28 years old.
pretty lean about 9% bf u can check me on i***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;z (yeai dont care giving my name.

i doing test E ONLY cycles, why? i dont know i just like it. not using anything else, not aas atleast.
i started taking MK-677 2 month's ago (forgot to had base line bloodworks), yesterday i got my IGF-1's bloodworks test (2months of mk usage) it came at IGF-1: 211.
now i know that not low but that's not high either. (taking 3x10 mg a day/30mg)

i definitely gained some size maybe because of the water retention.

now my question is: do u think that specific MK is fake / not fake / u cant really know?

im not sure if its allowed. ***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734; yk11 soon also.

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i'm very healthy man. i guess 210 is what peopleat my age usually have without mk?

There's no way of telling without baseline blood work.
I was 120 and raised it to just shy of 400 but with HGH for months.

So if you were 50? Yeh, it might be working.
If you were 250? You're hurting yourself...

This is why you get bloodwork and avoid guessing since everything by default is bro science guessing, remove the guessing whenever you can, dont be lazy. :)
It's very hard to measure. The problem is timing. Remember when you take peptides they do not raise GH levels for long periods of time. It's a short duration spike, like an hour. Also the spike depends on when it actually hits the bloodstream, so with an inject even thats hard to predict, with an oral nearly impossible.

If you got real Ibutamoren then it definitely works. My wife took it for 6 months and got ripped. She is off it now for about 6 weeks and she complains everyday that she misses it. I complain because she is not as horny :smoker:

Remember the thing with GH or anything that stimulates GH is that it is very subtle and it takes a long time to really start working. 4 months at least.
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If you got real Ibutamoren then it definitely works. My wife took it for 6 months and got ripped. She is off it now for about 6 weeks and she complains everyday that she misses it. I complain because she is not as horny :smoker:

Remember the thing with GH or anything that stimulates GH is that it is very subtle and it takes a long time to really start working. 4 months at least.

hey bro, what else was your wife dosing besides Ibutamoren ? what are her stats? i ask since my girl wants to dabble into the gear world but wants to know if anavar alone will do it for her. any advice is greatly appreciated since she does not believe a thing i say lol.
Hey guys, havent posted here for a very long time (over 3 years now), actually my first cycle was with some of this forum pros' helps i remember halfwit i think was his name, not sure if he's still here.

anyway abit about my stats:
im 28 years old.
pretty lean about 9% bf u can check me on i***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;z (yeai dont care giving my name.

i doing test E ONLY cycles, why? i dont know i just like it. not using anything else, not aas atleast.
i started taking MK-677 2 month's ago (forgot to had base line bloodworks), yesterday i got my IGF-1's bloodworks test (2months of mk usage) it came at IGF-1: 211.
now i know that not low but that's not high either. (taking 3x10 mg a day/30mg)

i definitely gained some size maybe because of the water retention.

now my question is: do u think that specific MK is fake / not fake / u cant really know?

im not sure if its allowed. ***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734; yk11 soon also.

hope you reformulated your cycle plan buddy.
Hey guys, havent posted here for a very long time (over 3 years now), actually my first cycle was with some of this forum pros' helps i remember halfwit i think was his name, not sure if he's still here.

anyway abit about my stats:
im 28 years old.
pretty lean about 9% bf u can check me on i***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;z (yeai dont care giving my name.

i doing test E ONLY cycles, why? i dont know i just like it. not using anything else, not aas atleast.
i started taking MK-677 2 month's ago (forgot to had base line bloodworks), yesterday i got my IGF-1's bloodworks test (2months of mk usage) it came at IGF-1: 211.
now i know that not low but that's not high either. (taking 3x10 mg a day/30mg)

i definitely gained some size maybe because of the water retention.

now my question is: do u think that specific MK is fake / not fake / u cant really know?

im not sure if its allowed. ***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734;***9734; yk11 soon also.


just copy and paste your results here man.