Got my bloodresults and I think I used BUNK GEAR!!1


New member
I asked before and you helpful guys gave useful informations about cycling and bloodresults.Well,I had bought omnedran, boldenone D. I stopped to use after 5 weeks cause never saw an effect and thought bunk gear. (I got experience and I know the results shown in my body within 3 weeks before).But for being sure,I decided to check my test values and after 3 weeks that I'd done my last injection shot,I went the doc and got my bloodresults.By the way I didnt use any PCT to make a clear point.
LH :3.46 mIU/mL (0.57-12.07)
FSH:2.41 mIU/mL (0.95-11.95)
Testosterone:781.76 [142,39-923.14)
I think I used a bunk gear!!!whats your opinions?
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Where's the bloods from being on for 5 weeks....

EQ takes a good 8-10 weeks to really work and when it does super vascular lol
its not hard hard proof.. but i would bet it was bunk..

you weren't running test with the cycle???
Either you're superhuman and recover at the speed of light...

Or yep, you were injecting just oil.

I'm going with the latter. ;)

My .02c :)
I asked before and you helpful guys gave useful informations about cycling and bloodresults.Well,I had bought omnedran, boldenone D. I stopped to use after 5 weeks cause never saw an effect and thought bunk gear. (I got experience and I know the results shown in my body within 3 weeks before).But for being sure,I decided to check my test values and after 3 weeks that I'd done my last injection shot,I went the doc and got my bloodresults.By the way I didnt use any PCT to make a clear point.
LH :3.46 mIU/mL (0.57-12.07)
FSH:2.41 mIU/mL (0.95-11.95)
Testosterone:781.76 [142,39-923.14)
I think I used a bunk gear!!!whats your opinions?
Did you buy tose stuff in Turkey or Bulgaria, most of the stuff comes from Bulgaria is fake, Especially old copies of good vet companies which are gone now
Denkall , Quality Vet bla bla , all fake