it all makes sense now! my test is fucking bunk

If you were injecting canola oil instead of test, while taking an AI, your LH and FSH would be much higher. Therefore, that 380 TT is not natty. You effectively would have been on AI Monotherapy.
cool, so i'll be doubling my dose of this test for about a week until i get my full PCT. wish me luck guise
You have to let the exogenous test and hCG clear your body before you start PCT. Even prop has a half life.
my plan is to start hcg a week before i end the test. once i end the test, i will do hcg for 1 more week with no test or anything, just by itself. then i will start clomid and nolva a few days after my last hcg shot and props half life is 72hrs bruh
my plan is to start hcg a week before i end the test. once i end the test, i will do hcg for 1 more week with no test or anything, just by itself. then i will start clomid and nolva a few days after my last hcg shot and props half life is 72hrs bruh

Start the hCG now. Actually go back and start it 2.5 years ago.
Start the hCG now. Actually go back and start it 2.5 years ago.
yeah they picked up my donation on the 13th my stuff should be here this week.

oh and btw, those labs in your sig dont offer services to residents in my state. but what if i just make the drive to the next state over which is literally 20 miles, and just put a fake addy. or do they ask for ID ?
Again, im trying to understsnd why you plan on running a pct if you just want to cruise? If you want to know if it was bunk or fake get gear from a different source then have bloods done at the appropriate time. Youre either cycling or your blasting and cruising.. i just dont get because there was a little hiccup youre going to try and reboot your shit if you plan on cruising again.

Also getting bloods that cover estrogen levels is uhm kind of important man. That would give even more clues as to whats going on.
Again, im trying to understsnd why you plan on running a pct if you just want to cruise? If you want to know if it was bunk or fake get gear from a different source then have bloods done at the appropriate time. Youre either cycling or your blasting and cruising.. i just dont get because there was a little hiccup youre going to try and reboot your shit if you plan on cruising again.

Also getting bloods that cover estrogen levels is uhm kind of important man. That would give even more clues as to whats going on.

He had a change of heart. He wants to try and go Natty again.
Again, im trying to understsnd why you plan on running a pct if you just want to cruise? If you want to know if it was bunk or fake get gear from a different source then have bloods done at the appropriate time. Youre either cycling or your blasting and cruising.. i just dont get because there was a little hiccup youre going to try and reboot your shit if you plan on cruising again.

Also getting bloods that cover estrogen levels is uhm kind of important man. That would give even more clues as to whats going on.
i plan on coming off completely, forever
He had a change of heart. He wants to try and go Natty again.
dont get me wrong, i dont regret what i did cause it was fun while it lasted it just sucks that i have to go through this now. maybe when im getting close to 30 i'll consider gear again but who knows. maybe just a bit of test and HGH to look and feel better.

main reason im stopping is because im just not into the gym that much anymore, i still workout, im just not that serious about it like i would. so theres no point in aas. and also im going to the military, and relying on steroids in the military can lead to a ton of problems.
dont get me wrong, i dont regret what i did cause it was fun while it lasted it just sucks that i have to go through this now. maybe when im getting close to 30 i'll consider gear again but who knows. maybe just a bit of test and HGH to look and feel better.

main reason im stopping is because im just not into the gym that much anymore, i still workout, im just not that serious about it like i would. so theres no point in aas. and also im going to the military, and relying on steroids in the military can lead to a ton of problems.

After what you did for 2.5 years, there is a good chance that you will need exogenous testosterone for the rest of your life. I hope you realize that. Absolutely try the restart, but manage your expectations.