got test values back


New member
just got my test back from endocrinologist this is what they are

estradiol normal range-<205 my value =<73.4 pmol/L

Prolactin normal range 2.60- 18.1 IU/L MY value = 11.4 ug/L
testosterone Normal range 5.8- 28 nmol/L my value =1.9
FSH NR 1.4-18.1 MV = 1.7
LH NR=1.5-9.3 MV= 2.0
TSH NR= .49-4.67 MV= 1.81 mIU/L
free T4 NR = 9.0-19.0 MV =11.5 pmol/L
Free T3 NA
sodium NR=135-145 MV=142mmol/L
potassium NR=3.5-5.0 MV=4.3mmol/L
chloride NR= 98-110 MV=102 mmol/L
urea NR=3.0-7.1 MV=7.3mmol/L
creatinine NR=60-130 MV=181umol/L
ALP NR =40-135 MV=86U/L
ALT NR =9-69 MV=26U/L
bilirubin NR=2-20 MV=10umol/L

Was on winsrtol for three months and equipoise for two before I started winstrol

Any interpretation comments would be very welcome
Going to see kidney sp for elevated creatinine level WTF is that about
doctor prescibed me 100mg test every two weeks for six months
I have no idea what those #'s mean but I know that when I got my levels checked right after a cycle everything came back fucked up. I had them checked again a month later and everything came back perfect. I don't see any point to checking your levels til you have given your body time to come back to what they normally should be.
Your natural test levels are terrible but thats obvious since he has put you on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). What did you use for post cycle recovery after the Eq and Winstrol and how old are you?

And using the Winstrol (winny) for 3 months has messed your creatinine levels. Definitely keep us updated with regards to what the specialist has to say.
BiggieSwolls said:
Your natural test levels are terrible but thats obvious since he has put you on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). What did you use for post cycle recovery after the Eq and Winstrol and how old are you?

And using the Winstrol (winny) for 3 months has messed your creatinine levels. Definitely keep us updated with regards to what the specialist has to say.

I'm with biggie here. I think your results are what would be expected to be seen on a 5 month cycle with no break and 3 months of Winstrol (winny) of which MOST people only run for 6 to 8 weeks max. Did you have your lipid profiles checked? I would be curious as to how Winstrol (winny) affected that also. DId you not divulge your use to the Doc. I could not see him putting you on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) if he knew about it, because 100mg is still going to keep you shut down. I would think he would want to see if it comes back naturally and use a clomid, nolvadex and possibly Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to get you going on your own again? Good luck on your recovery let us know how it goes.

The doc new that I was on-I told that I had been off for a while, I think he believed me cause my FSH and LH were within normal ranges.

For the elevated creatinine levels I did not think Winstrol (winny) affected the kidneys only the liver.

also I was on very low doses of Winstrol (winny) for the last month and a half 100mg -150 a week
yes Winstrol (winny) messes up your kidneys too.

i'm not a specialist or anything but to me your values indicate that you haven't been drinking enough water and your protein has been high.

and definitely don't take the 100mg of test a week. that will only further shut you down and make it harder to regain your HPTA
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one thing that might be affecting creatinine levels could be since my body is shut down there might be alot of muscle catablism or breack down elevating my creatanine levels. Furhter more, there was really no post cycle recovery-although I took Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) just before end of cycle. The only thing that I did use post cycle was avena sativa and that was after blood test. But then again what do I know that is why I am going to see specialist.