Grapdeseed oil - To sterilze or not?


New member
I am going to part-take in a test E and tren E conversion soon and wish to know is it a good idea to filter the grapeseed oil I got from the local grocery store through a .45u strile filter, and call it sterile?
I mean it will be free of free floaters but not exactly sterile since I didnt heat it to what ever temp is needed!

I will refilter it again when I pass my ba tren / test and oil through my .45u filter at the very end........So I guess you can say its double filtration

I am aiming for 250-300mg/ml of test E and tren E - at 10ml
With 5% BA, I hope the solution doesnt crash, I assume if it does a simple reheat in a warm water bath should suffice!

thank you all
No need. Add the solvents and hormone to the store bought oil, warm it a little to get it all in a clear solution and pass it through a filter, .45 is fine. It will be sterile.
Alright - I thought it would be an extra precaution, since ive never ran a injectable cycle before.........I will then filter it only once when I do the final step from 1 vial to the other one.

Do you suppose the suspension will crash at 250mg/ml
I wonder how painful it will be!

thank you
VooDooMan said:
Do you suppose the suspension will crash at 250mg/ml
I wonder how painful it will be!

thank you

Suspension crashes everytime you let it stand still, your Solution on the other hand should be fine.

Painwise not sure, but you'll find out about 24 hours after you shoot it :) The test E should feel fine, the Tren I can't say for sure because that stuff cripples me even at low doses for some reason.
Well wouldnt you consider a mix of X + X - That doesnt hold in unless its heated to hold
Its not exactly a supersaturation either.......I see it as a solution only as long as it doesnt crash

yea 24 hours haha I surely cant wait!
Ill keep you posted
I noticed you didn't mention anything about BB just the BA. That will be fine for the test but for the Tren E, I think you will need 15-20% BB.
Nope, the BB will just make it more of a solution, And if I go and do some thing crazy like try and make 500mg/ml of tren solution then of course it wil crash and thats when the BB will come to aid,
But since I am making a generaly safe solution/suspension of 250mg/ml it should be just fine at the 5% BA

Take care
VooDooMan said:
Nope, the BB will just make it more of a solution, And if I go and do some thing crazy like try and make 500mg/ml of tren solution then of course it wil crash and thats when the BB will come to aid,
But since I am making a generaly safe solution/suspension of 250mg/ml it should be just fine at the 5% BA

Take care

I just made up a 50ml of test enan @ 350mg/ml using 2/10 to thin it a bit and it looks great. Just gotta wait another month to test it out first hand.