Greetings. Early 40s guy starting third cycle


New member
Hi all,
I've been out of the game for about 2-3 years and really never intended to do any more cycles because of other things going on in life. But I'm nearing the end of a long cut in bodyfat and have reflected for a few months and decided to go again.
Done two cycles: test e 500 with dbol start, and test e 600 w deca -- don't remember deca dosage. Been lifting since the early 90s.
Anyway I have test e, tbol, and deca. I'll be coming off a calorie deficit.
Tbol 50-60 mg weeks 1-6
Test e 400-600 depending on decadick, weeks 1-15
Deca 400 weeks 1-12
Aromasin 12.5 ed, prami .25mg ed
Standard ology pct nolva clomid

Should I take prami every day, or every other day?
Gonna bring up cal slowly since I'm prob ketogenic right now.
I ran mine at 600mg test and 400mg deca. Went well. Prami .25mg ed before bed with something to eat to lessen the sides. Get some NAC to run to help your liver. 1800mg ed with orals present and 1200mg with inj present
I ran mine at 600mg test and 400mg deca. Went well. Prami .25mg ed before bed with something to eat to lessen the sides. Get some NAC to run to help your liver. 1800mg ed with orals present and 1200mg with inj present

I know what possible sides of prami. What have u experienced, sleepiness?
You're cutting for quite some time so you're probly not going to like Deca. I hate Deca. It's got some evil intentions secretly in store every time lol