Greetings Everyone! New to this site!


New member
I am 43 and been battling a ultra high metabolism my whole life. Heaviest I have been was 225ish when I was 23 and that was after Ranger school when I dropped to 173. Been working out on and off since 18, tried all the high protein, high fat diets,etc. Always hovered around 200-210 all these years. Thought maybe when I hit my 30's and 40's I would gain weight easier. Hasn't happened yet. Tried all the HMB, creatine, etc...nothing. To add injury to insult, I hurt my elbow a few months back doing some close grip bench and that affected my wkouts seriously and i lost even more weight...WTF?? I never dabbled w steroids, but at this point maybe my age is a factor and I may need a blood test to check my test levels. Anyways, I know I'm not in the right forum, so mods def redirect me and I''l repost. Thanks for any good feedback!