greetings! new member looking to learn


New member
feels good to be here reading about real experiences from other people. not the same as reading a book about it.

quick bit: former big boy, and now lover of the iron but feel like I've been dealt a shitty genetic hand. looking to improve my strength and body comp. I've read up on the gear and proven methods and I believe I'm ready.

I luckily have a local source I feel I can trust but possibly selling overpriced gear, including the post cycle therapy (pct). wondering if anyone can say if purity source labs pct supps are legit.

I'd appreciate any feedback!

glad to be here!
Welcome to the forums. Yes, PSL is legit from what I know. I am using they're EP line EQ at the moment. :)

Thanks Meathead, I appreciate your feedback a bit more since you've been around the forum for a while. I'm gonna put in a basic order for pcts to run with the test I get locally.

Hopefully you'll hear from me soon with good news and even better gains!