grey top 25iu


New member
can some please advise me how long to run grey the past i ran 2iu daily max 4 but now with all the confusion and label misprints im wondering if the greys are strong enough to run that also runnin sust because without that the growth would be useless...any advice on greys would be greatly appreciated....
The first thing I would do is get GH serum blood test to make sure the vials actually contain GH. Every 25iu grey top serum test I've seen proved them to be bunk.
Yup Blood Test For sure!!!

There are lots of bunk grey tops floating around out there, and honestly I dont trust any GH products out there right now.
I hate to be the one to tell you this bro but those 25iu grey tops are 100% fake, as in zero hgh in them. If you do a search here on ology for grey tops you will see a thread I put up months ago on them.

They are made by IP china and are total crap. Whoever sold them to you, try to obtain a cash refund! not an exchange for other forms of fake hgh.
Yup Blood Test For sure!!!

There are lots of bunk grey tops floating around out there, and honestly I dont trust any GH products out there right now.

You don't trust riptropins or elitropins? come on max those are solid
I got some of the IP grey tops. I don't have a lab test to confirm it, but in my opinion they're GH, but extremely underdosed.
Thanks for replies...i guess everything can be suspect nowadays only way to prove is through getting levels tested...I have a good friend who been around for 15 years so I don't ever pay a penny for anything....I been weight lifting almost 15 years but always went natural...I'm not boasting but my genetics are sick I got hurt and was forced to retire from work and haven't worked out in 3 years...I did pushups, pull ups for one hour last week and already people are accusing me using something...I was always accused of using something when in fact it was pro source supplements...this time around since I been out the game I decided to try something new...maybe the grey tops are fake for some but my guy always has legit gear I did in fact lose weight in my abdomen and love handles and have all the sides of something that is true...but I won't discount what u guys say I will get my levels tested soon and will post...I have many more questions and need advice from you all because I can't talk to my brother or sister how to be successful in this game...that's why I joined the forum I have been using a lot useful info I figured it was time to learn more by actually interacting directly...sorry for long post promise will be last..thanks