growth hormine buying in china

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New member
Hey I'm just making this post to have anyone who has reliable connections with someone who has growth hormone message me and let's talk. If you're domestic all the better, but I already have some sources but I'm not going to pay those prices. I know it can be found a lot cheaper. Let me know.

p.s. If this doesn't fit in the rules, let me know I'll remove it.
If you stick around you can use the various sources praised by this forum.

Personally I would advise against "shopping around" in this type situation given the fact we're all putting ourselves in harms way and in an easy position to get scammed.
If you stick around you can use the various sources praised by this forum.

Personally I would advise against "shopping around" in this type situation given the fact we're all putting ourselves in harms way and in an easy position to get scammed.

I have been around.. I have more posts and rep power than you. I know of the sources throughout ology. I was simply looking for a connection straight to chinese generic or such. I'm not looking to pay 300 a kit. I know they can be bought for much cheaper and still be legit.
It does not fit the rules. You have been around here long enough to know better than to play a thread asking for sources.
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