Gunk at bottom of vial...


New member
I need some help here please.
some kind of gunk(that's the best way I can describe it)has formed at
the bottom of the vial of Test cyp and no matter how much I shake it it won't budge. I have had it stored away for a few months and it was fine
when I got it but now that stuff has formed at the bottom. so I dont
no what to do. is it still good if I can fix it? the oil seems to be o.k.

Thank's in advance!
heat it on the eye of the stove on medium high. place vial directly on the eye. aspirate and heat til it clears. swirling occassionaly. this should solve you prob. sound slike theb cyp fell out. cyp is finikle at best. it is OK, just heat back to clear solution. let cool and fire away. this is for electric stove. if you got gas use a frying pan or a hot plate.