guys, i need some help..please read


New member
i was getting pretty defined..went from 198-230 in a matter of about 4 months...but this semester started, and ive been taking 20 hrs. and im soo damn tired when it comes to gym time, that im slacking ...and i feel like a fat ass
although i never really had any kind of good diet...
can anybody give me some help on some foods that i can eat, to loose some weight...i dont know if that made sence..
but thanx
could you give us an idea what you would eat right now on a daily basis as well as any training that your doing too.
also... with the busy schedule are you able to get to the gym faithfully?
Have you tried working out first thing in the morning? Gives you a good boost of energy for the rest of the day. And you have the night to yourself.
I'd also like to see what kind of eating plan you're falling now as well. If you could maybe take a few minutes and jot down a typical day for us, that would be very helpful. thanks:)
i have tried to go to the gym say at 5 and it does work pretty good with the boost..thing is monday/wed i go from 8 am-8 pm str8 so im hurting around that 3 o'clock mark

its soo hard to consume that protein ....i usually wake up and eat some oatmeal....then i have 3 protein shakes during the day....a chickenbreast for lunch....3 more protein shakes....TRY TO GO TO THE GYM, depending how tired i am....and a ceaser salad or something for dinner

im 5'11-6 224-230 dont know my BF

but its just hard eating right when your on a sit down 12 hr. a day study schedual ya know
I know you've probably heard this before but you need to get some of your protein from real food. You're relying far too much on the protein shakes in my opinion.
Surely you can precook some chicken breasts and/or eggs and have them handy for when you don't have a lot of time.
You can also buy the tuna with the pop top lids or you can buy pouches of tuna now that are very transportable. They taste good too! :)
soo true fyre...lazyness is taking over me this semester ...i guess since my gym time has been cut in half pretty much, im loosing interest, which i hate...but its all my fault..time to get back into it...thanx for the feedback
Man I'm in the same boat, COFFEE, i don't know if that a good thing, but it helps me out, everybody is different, I got to EIU, IL. It's more of a wanting it thing. I change times, like one day I'll work out in tht e morning if I'm going to work out the next day. But if I know I'm going to skip a day, I lift late at night, sometimes I'm in the gym at 1 a.m. Just do what you got to do.