Guys I need your advice , NO GAINS ANYMORE!!!


New member
Height:5'8 175 cm

**Story of my life

I started using gear/juice in may 2012 I saw gains in the beginning my weight increased from:

-65kg to 75/76kg 15% bf in the first 3 months (till around august 2012) then I stayed on this
compounds: Test prop 75mg , tren Acetate 75mg then by the end 125mg/EOD

-75kg to 80/81kg 14/15% bf from (August 2012 till november 2012) then I stayed on this weight for 3-4 months more with no change till february 2013 , **Starting from november 2012 I saw increase in size but same weight and my weights in the gym was stable with slight to no increase at all!! ( I was measuring in the gym on a body analyzer it showed me that I was decreasing in fats and increasing muscles at these 3-4 months.
Compounds: Test enanthate 150mg/week , Tren Enanthate 700, 800 900 till 1G/week ( I blasted from the first cycle to this one with no cruise or rest)

-82kg from 14% bf ( january till february 2013) then dropped to 80kg due to diarrhea that lasted for one month (reason was tren acetate) so I had to stop tren acetate and continue on test enanthate ,then dropped a lot of weight cause I used DNP ( weight dropped was mostly glycogen from muscles and minimal from fats) and they returned after stopping the DNP ( April till May 2013)
Compounds: Test Enanthate 150mg/week Tren 100mg ED , then DNP 200-600mg Test Enanthate 1G (Also blasted from 2nd cycle with no rest)

-79kg after the use of DNP and restoring glycogen into muscles (May 2013) cruised on Test E 250mg till (July 2013) weight raised to 80s one more time due to the lack of diet, then I decided to make a healthy diet instead of using crap like DNP , I dropped to 75kg 10% bf from (July to september 2013)
Compounds: Test E 250mg/week (cruise) , Test e 500mg Equipoise 700mg/week Winstrol 50mg/ED

-82kg 14% bf Bulking cycle from (october to december 2013) with almost no gains in weight and minimal strength in the gym.
Compounds: continued Test E 500mg and EQ 800mg

-83kg still bulking with no strength gains and no change in shape, bf% not checked
Compounds: Tren Acetate 75mg Test prop 75mg EOD

Advice please!!! I started losing hope in adding lean weight its been almost a year with no change in muscle weight (82/83kg 14% bf)

**My diet is not always in check/clean during bulking but I focus on consuming big amount of protein , and always in check during cutting.

What is the reason for not being able to add anymore weight?
Is it possible that the reason my dealer is selling not legit gear?
Other helpful advice?

I really need your help guys!
yea I got it done 4 months ago, I don't count calories during bulking I eat as much as I can specially proteins and as I said my diet is not always clean , during cutting I go down with calories gradually 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600cal
Want to post your blood work and let us know what you were running at the time?

Try counting calories for a week. Maybe you aren't eating as much as you imagine you are.
Eat more food, make sure you're getting enough rest and keep hittin it hard. Try eating 80% clean and 20% dirty... by dirty i don't mean mcdonalds.. I mean pizza,cheese burger, throw some ice cream in your diet. try a weight gainer. Mutant Mass is pretty good stuff. You can order it off Amazon. But you gotta feed the beast...Good luck bro- Big
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This is one for a diet consultant. If you only acing 5kg on Tren your not eating the right thing at the right time and not enough of it. Spend the money of a diet program. Fyi It's hard to eat enough on teen because your always trying to drink enough water and you feel full.
I'm new to this forum but not new to gear the amount you are using and were using you are under weight First let me say I'm your height between 190 and 200 pounds I've been bulking for months at same dose which is 600 mg test 350 mg eq a week nonstop i refuse to add more except if i got real dbol which is hard to find now my point is this yea eating more may help everyone says it over and over I've noticed high volume high rep squat training once a week is better than anything period fucking period why your body demands more food regardless of how big or maxed out you are my advice don't worry about food and add more volume like 4 days a week but 10 to 20 reps and 12 sets per part every 4 weeks take a week off 11 months ago i was 170 because of work I've only been training twice or 3 times a week but at least 10 sets of squats mininum8 reps trust me it works i was gonna add more gear too but since I've been training this way for the last few months I've gained and i know il gain more and get stronger every month i get stronger not crazy strong but ill say this 11 months ago i barely squatted 185 for 3 sets of 10 the bs 4sets of 5 to 8 reps did shit for me so i tried 20 reps all out 2 sets it was working so i added another and another each month adding more reps and sets no bs 5sets of 5 wtf who comes up with that shit I've been training a few guys now on gear who take less but my squat training is sick they try to say its too much lol so take more gear and strain with heavy low rep sets and wonder whats going on I'm rambling but try this warmup then 3sets of 15 till failure with same weight i used 285 last time then 3 sets of 20 i used 225 last time then 2 sets of light weight 135 or 185 till u feel like passing out it took me a long time to train like this it works and it sucks its not powerlifting its bodybuilding btw you'll get stronger but maybe not in a 1 rep sense anyway try it for a month you won't have to worry if your eating enough etc.
It's all in the diet bro I worked out for years without eating right but as soon as I got serious with my diet and started pounding back the food shit got real haha even with out gear.