GW 501516 SARMS Cardarine By Simon Gardner


"GW 501516, also known as cardarine, is advertised and sold as a SARM or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator but this is not technically accurate. This chemical is in fact a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, or PPAR, delta agonist. GW 501516 was initially developed for health benefits, and it activates pathways in the body that are also activated by..."

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I just bought a bottle of this and figured I would add it to my blast.
How does one know if they have the real chemical though? There's no way to test it! Apparently t can be detected in a urine test.
I have ran GW several times....It made cardio a breeze. Good read.

I see this mentioned alot but somehow I fail to understand what it even means.
I do cardio regularly (LISS to be exact) and at 120 bpm cardio can't get any easier! I mean I can have full conversation.