GW1516, AICAR, FRAG, Albuterol cycle.


New member
Got a big cutting cycle going using all peps and some albuterol. Will be my first time running GW and AICAR. Throwing the frag in there cuz I have 2 vials left and figured I would use them up.

Goals: Never really cut in my life, looking to lose some BF and drop some weight.
Been on a natural cut and have dropped from 245 to 225 in about 8-10 weeks time. Like to get down around 210 :) havent been that light in about 6 years.

Heres what Im thinking:
GW 5mg ED 1st week then bump up to 1mg ED
Frag 250mcg 2x ED
Albuterol 5mg 2x ED

Have 2 vials of CJC left over I might throw in, need to use them up as well.
What do you guys think? This will be the biggest cut I have ever attempted. Diet will be in check and cardio will be higher than ever.

Anyway here we go
Sounds like somebody is going to get SHREDDED! Also do you prefer albuterol over clen? If so why? But anyways good lluck with ur cycle man!
Haven't ran the GW or AICAR before. I usually prefer clen over albuterol, the sides of clen never bothered me and I think its more effective for me. The reason I went with albuterol is because it was easy to get a hold of and I wanted something a little more mild since I'm running all these other peps with it. I will keep this updated with my progress.
Haven't ran the GW or AICAR before. I usually prefer clen over albuterol, the sides of clen never bothered me and I think its more effective for me. The reason I went with albuterol is because it was easy to get a hold of and I wanted something a little more mild since I'm running all these other peps with it. I will keep this updated with my progress.
Sorry it has taken so long to update. I just moved apartments and have been without internet at the place The GW kicks ass. Started at 225lbs and Im already down to 214. You can see a big difference in my abs. I noticed that I get really thirsty with the GW, not sure why but I am thirsty all day long. The cardio endurance boost it gives you is crazy, I can run for days on this stuff. Overall Im lovin it so far.
Sorry it has taken so long to update. I just moved apartments and have been without internet at the place The GW kicks ass. Started at 225lbs and Im already down to 214. You can see a big difference in my abs. I noticed that I get really thirsty with the GW, not sure why but I am thirsty all day long. The cardio endurance boost it gives you is crazy, I can run for days on this stuff. Overall Im lovin it so far.

Did you run the GW & the AICAR like you planned, or did you change protocol?
Btw, thats great, 11lbs, in 3 weeks.
I used the GW and AICAR like I planned(both products are from great white). Ran the Aicar at 10mg EOD until I can out. After the first week I updted the GW dose to 10mg ED. When I bumped up I really noticed an increase in cardio. BTW I was 215lbs today. Thats 10 lbs lost so far, I can see my abs now better than ever. This stuff is for real.
What is delivery system for aicar? Is it an injection?

I would like to know about this as well, is it taking IM, SQ, IV? Anyone willing to point me to a website which would explain the process from step 1 (starting with powder compound).

A 2004 article in the The Wall Street Journal noted that a study published in Nature Medicine had found that GW501516 increased polyps in specially-bred mice,[3][28] but GSK said that they had not identified any safety problems with the compound and would continue to develop it.[14]

In 2013 New Scientist reported that "tests on rats showed that at all doses, the drug rapidly causes cancers in a multitude of organs, including the liver, bladder, stomach, skin, thyroid, tongue, testes, ovaries and womb."[4] In 2013 WADA took the rare step of warning potential users of the compound of the possible health risks. They stated "clinical approval has not, and will not be given for this substance".
I haven't done any research myself apart from reading this awhile ago; you should look at the citations or other sources to be sure in regards to safety.
This is an article I came across recently. It's an excerpt from it.

Anti-doping agency warns cheats on the health risks of Endurobol

The recent WADA warning was therefore not prompted by recent findings of adverse human health effects per se, but rather the concern of the substance***8217;s ready availability and abuse by athletes.

It is understood that a Russian cyclist (European track champion Valery Kaikov) has yesterday been named as the first athlete to be tested positive for the drug.

Human studies on the effects of GW501516 include the following:
***8226;Phase I trial: multicentre trial conducted between 2004-12.
***8226;Phase II trial: trial approved in Belgium and conducted between 2004-11. Results not published.
***8226;Phase IV trials: conducted in Australia between 2003-08.
***8226;Non-GSK-affiliatied anti-doping research: conducted between 2009-12.
***8226;High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Effects in Healthy Subjects Administered a Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor.
***8226;Research into Peroxisome Proliferator***8211;Activated Receptor effects in obese men.

There were no side-effects reported in the human studies.

But this may be due to short study durations. It may also be due to the small doses used in humans.

The side-effects of GW501516 from animal studies were based on large doses of the drug.

There are at present at least eight separate clinical trials being conducted using other drugs of the PPAR class and they are in various stages of development.