GW50, MK-677, SR9009 cycle thoughts?


New member
So I've really been looking into SARMS, was considering taking GW, S4, and Osta but after more research decided against the triple stack as I don't want to have to deal with shutdown even if it's minor. So I was thinking maybe running GW, MK677, and SR9009. My goals are to shred as much body fat as possible while gaining as much strength and LBM as possible. On a stack like this would I be able to eat above maintenance and still burn off fat? My thoughts are eat above maintence to gain some size and strength gains while also burning fat, recovering faster, and increasing muscle/cardio endurnace. I'm a football player so all that could be extremely beneficial to me. Any thoughts on this stack?
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It is VERY hard to burn fat while you are eating more calories than you are burning. SR9009 will work well with GW50 as both are great for endurance increase, which will allow you to work harder and recover faster. The MK677 should help with both fat loss and muscle growth. Combining them together as you have done sounds like a solid stack to help you out. And as you said, none of them are suppressive at all. I would think that if you use the extra endurance to work harder and longer, you should be able to gain muscle while losing fat.

Your key will be a spot on diet, with a LOT of protein in it (around 300g a day) to make sure there is enough to build your muscles with. The diet will make or break this stack.
It is VERY hard to burn fat while you are eating more calories than you are burning. SR9009 will work well with GW50 as both are great for endurance increase, which will allow you to work harder and recover faster. The MK677 should help with both fat loss and muscle growth. Combining them together as you have done sounds like a solid stack to help you out. And as you said, none of them are suppressive at all. I would think that if you use the extra endurance to work harder and longer, you should be able to gain muscle while losing fat.

Your key will be a spot on diet, with a LOT of protein in it (around 300g a day) to make sure there is enough to build your muscles with. The diet will make or break this stack.
Thanks for the reply. But I agree that's what I was thinking too, diet will be key. I may talk with 3J about setting me up with a nutrition plan. I've really been thinking about throwing s4 into the mix but being that I'm 20 I don't think I want to mess with my HPTA, even though S4 shutdown is minor. If I did decide to throw it in I would get pre and post cycle bloods and a full nolva and clomid PCT though. Someone even mentioned possibly throwing in cjc with my GW, SR, and MK677 stack which I've been considering. Any thoughts on this?
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Thanks for the reply. But I agree that's what I was thinking too, diet will be key. I may talk with 3J about setting me up with a nutrition plan. I've really been thinking about throwing s4 into the mix but being that I'm 20 I don't think I want to mess with my HPTA, even though S4 shutdown is minor. If I did decide to throw it in I would get pre and post cycle bloods and a full nolva and clomid PCT though. Someone even mentioned possibly throwing in cjc with my GW, SR, and MK677 stack which I've been considering. Any thoughts on this?

3J will not lead you astray :)
Thanks for the reply. But I agree that's what I was thinking too, diet will be key. I may talk with 3J about setting me up with a nutrition plan. I've really been thinking about throwing s4 into the mix but being that I'm 20 I don't think I want to mess with my HPTA, even though S4 shutdown is minor. If I did decide to throw it in I would get pre and post cycle bloods and a full nolva and clomid PCT though. Someone even mentioned possibly throwing in cjc with my GW, SR, and MK677 stack which I've been considering. Any thoughts on this?

I have never used cjc, so I cannot talk about that much. S4 is not very suppressive, but at your age it is wise to stay clear of anything remotely suppressive, so I am with you on that. Your pre and post bloods are an excellent idea. Honestly, you are one of the most mature 20 year olds I have ever seen, kudos to you!!

3J is the man, he will 100% get you setup right on your diet. Diet is the key to everything, and his cost is less than the cost of a cycle, with the added benefit of you getting to keep the knowledge learned forever. I would talk to him and have him help you figure out what type of coaching plan you need and I would hit up Sarms Search for your SARMs. They have never send me bunk stuff. Plus, since they are board sponsor you know they have to be trustworthy. 'Ology would never tarnish its reputation by allowing a bad sponsor to stick around.

'Ology was my first board I discovered when I started in this lifestyle and I am SOO happy I did. Helpful and knowledgeable people (how many boards will you find people quoting PubMed on?), great sponsors, and a staff that keeps everyone in line and honest. Heck, I have even been taking to task by them from time to time and I happily take my lumps and learn from them. :)

Stick around! Oh, and run a log when you do decide on what you are going to do. Logs not only help others who find them, but also help you to stay on the path and to see how far you have traveled. They really are a great tool.
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I used cjc1295 and mk677 at the same time and my IGF1 was at 212. Normal range is 80-230ish. So its not through the roof but it definitely moves you in the right direction.
Ordered my GW and MK, I'm still really contemplating throwing in some s4. If I do decide to throw it in what is the suggested PCT. I can't seem to find many people running Nolva and Clomid for S4 only cycles, a lot of guys only run JUST a natty test booster which I think is stupid regardless of how minor the the supression is, why risk your HPTA recovery? Just because you don't "feel" supressed or shutdown doesn't mean you aren't... But I digress, any other help on my first S4 cycle would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking pre bloods then 50mg for 6-8 weeks and see how I do followed by a nolva and clomid PCT and post bloods, just need help with PCT dosing.
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Ordered my GW and MK, I'm still really contemplating throwing in some s4. If I do decide to throw it in what is the suggested PCT. I can't seem to find many people running Nolva and Clomid for S4 only cycles, a lot of guys only run JUST a natty test booster which I think is stupid regardless of how minor the the supression is, why risk your HPTA recovery? Just because you don't "feel" supressed or shutdown doesn't mean you aren't... But I digress, any other help on my first S4 cycle would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking pre bloods then 50mg for 6-8 weeks and see how I do followed by a nolva and clomid PCT and post bloods, just need help with PCT dosing.

I am on my S4, GW, Ostarine, and SR-9009 cycle right now. So far so good. My heart rate goes up pretty fast when doing cardio and I get insane pumps in my workouts. From S4, I only had a little side effect which takes about 3-4 seconds to adjust brightness when going inside from a sunny weather and it is not a big deal. I really liked this stack. I have about 6 more weeks to go.

For PCT, I will run Clomid and Nolvadex. I may add GW as well.
I am on my S4, GW, Ostarine, and SR-9009 cycle right now. So far so good. My heart rate goes up pretty fast when doing cardio and I get insane pumps in my workouts. From S4, I only had a little side effect which takes about 3-4 seconds to adjust brightness when going inside from a sunny weather and it is not a big deal. I really liked this stack. I have about 6 more weeks to go.

For PCT, I will run Clomid and Nolvadex. I may add GW as well.

Since GW is 100% not suppressive, you can keep running it if you like.
It is VERY hard to burn fat while you are eating more calories than you are burning. SR9009 will work well with GW50 as both are great for endurance increase, which will allow you to work harder and recover faster. The MK677 should help with both fat loss and muscle growth. Combining them together as you have done sounds like a solid stack to help you out. And as you said, none of them are suppressive at all. I would think that if you use the extra endurance to work harder and longer, you should be able to gain muscle while losing fat.

Your key will be a spot on diet, with a LOT of protein in it (around 300g a day) to make sure there is enough to build your muscles with. The diet will make or break this stack.

Good info! Thanks. Gotta look into some nutrition planning now, I guess. :D
Good info! Thanks. Gotta look into some nutrition planning now, I guess. :D

Proper nutrition is 80% of reaching your fitness goal. Proper exercising (form, etc) is 15%, and the last 5% is genetics and using PEDs. Like I always saw, you cannot out exercise a bad diet. A single snickers bar is 250 calories. For me, one 20 minute cardio session on the elliptical, with my heart rate at about 140bpm average the entire time, causes me to burn about 310 calories. Yeah...all that work down the tube if I eat a SINGLE snickers bar...

...and if you eat the entire bag of M&Ms (yes, they are good enough to do that), you will eat a little over 1000 empty calories...