Gym Etiquette - how to tell someone they are going to hurt themself


New member
I am not a very knowledgeable person when it comes to using free weights. Everything I know, form wise, I looked up on YouTube (I like Scott Herman Fitness) and then asked some of the people at the gym who looked like veterans.

Today I saw someone doing a dead lift wrong. Not just bad form, but completely wrong to the point I figure the guy will hurt himself. Normal form is to grab the bar with feet shoulder width apart, knees bent, bar near the legs, back straight (looking into the mirror helps ensure it stays that way for me). Lift with the legs only, keeping the bar near the legs, ensuring the back is still straight. When the legs are straight, jerk up with the lower back / rear waste area, keeping the back straight as you do it. You are now standing up. Lower the bar in the opposite manner, but with a slow, fluid motion - keeping the back straight the entire time. If I am wrong, PLEASE tell me.

This guy was bending over, arching the back, keeping the knees locked (but at least the feet were shoulder width apart), then lifting with the back the entire time until straight. Basically, exactly what you have been told NOT to do (over and over) throughout your life...lift with your legs, not your back.

Since this is New Years Resolution month, the gym is pretty full of new people. How should I have gone about telling him he is doing it wrong? Sadly, I did nothing.
I am not a very knowledgeable person when it comes to using free weights. Everything I know, form wise, I looked up on YouTube (I like Scott Herman Fitness) and then asked some of the people at the gym who looked like veterans.

Today I saw someone doing a dead lift wrong. Not just bad form, but completely wrong to the point I figure the guy will hurt himself. Normal form is to grab the bar with feet shoulder width apart, knees bent, bar near the legs, back straight (looking into the mirror helps ensure it stays that way for me). Lift with the legs only, keeping the bar near the legs, ensuring the back is still straight. When the legs are straight, jerk up with the lower back / rear waste area, keeping the back straight as you do it. You are now standing up. Lower the bar in the opposite manner, but with a slow, fluid motion - keeping the back straight the entire time. If I am wrong, PLEASE tell me.

This guy was bending over, arching the back, keeping the knees locked (but at least the feet were shoulder width apart), then lifting with the back the entire time until straight. Basically, exactly what you have been told NOT to do (over and over) throughout your life...lift with your legs, not your back.

Since this is New Years Resolution month, the gym is pretty full of new people. How should I have gone about telling him he is doing it wrong? Sadly, I did nothing.

I don't offer advice to these people I tell the gym instructors walking around about these new ppl that need help.
It's only a rare occasion when I step in...

e.g. a few months back a 60+ year old came in and loaded up the squat bar with 120kgs each side (260kg squat) and it was obvious he'd never squatted before. I walked over and said he might want to warm up with much lighter weights first. He ignored me and lifted it and then crumpled with the bar smacking onto the bar catch. He simply got up after a minute or do and then left the gym and hasn't come back since.
I offer advice to the 90lb girls doing squats wrong (very delicately) and that's it. If someone is looking at me like they need help, I'll sometimes take an earbud out and raise an eyebrow letting them know I'm approachable.

Other than that, I try to look the other way. I've had enough weekend warriors challenge my advice to last a lifetime.

My .02c :)
I offer advice to the 90lb girls doing squats wrong (very delicately) and that's it. If someone is looking at me like they need help, I'll sometimes take an earbud out and raise an eyebrow letting them know I'm approachable.

Other than that, I try to look the other way. I've had enough weekend warriors challenge my advice to last a lifetime.

My .02c :)

Got the Rock eyebrow raise down do you lol :)
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Thanks, I will let the gym instructors know next time I see something like that. Unless it is a she...and she is hot...then the halfwit rules apply. :)
I would just go about your business as usual and say nothing. Most people dont want to hear criticism towards how they are lifting. The odd guy will take it good but most wont and then youll be 'that guy' at the gym.
Take you phone out and start filming them - then when they can't take it anymore and ask you why your filming them,, tell them either A) your looking for another work out epic fail video to post on you tube, or B) your making a you tube video on how NOT to lift... Tell them they are gonna be a star in the vid either way
Take you phone out and start filming them - then when they can't take it anymore and ask you why your filming them,, tell them either A) your looking for another work out epic fail video to post on you tube, or B) your making a you tube video on how NOT to lift... Tell them they are gonna be a star in the vid either way

If youre gonna do this I would suggest ducking and hiding behind a piece of equipment and just poking your head and phone out to film. That would add to the creepiness of filming a random.