

Community Veteran
i have to admit this guy is ready for his 1st homebrew. he's done his home work (worried the shit out of us) and already knows in his mind what he has gotta do to make it work. hats of to ya wee little one. yeah 250 is little to me..

the patience and book work he put in before ordering anything will pay big dividends in the long run.

i am just glad you in canada with the rest of the eskimos case my daughter starts college this fall and if you was down here i would have to keep my eye on you. closely!!
All I gotta say gymphreak, if that is all for one cycle...I want some before and after pics. You'll be busy brewin for weeks my man, oh and glad to hear your pack is back in transit.
Oh and PB, where is she goin? Ill be having quite a bit of free time this upcoming semester, not to mention I have quite the cycle planned for this winter. :eek:
Awwwww PB, i feel loved in here! Thanks! :3some:

oh and Dougoe...that aint for one cycle lol...prolly just enough for two cycles..... :D
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i just love how he puts in the work and then i get all the info from him and he helps me. thats great. he does the homework and we both get the good grade. classic
oh by the way i have done my research but it does take me some time to figure shit out and phreak has helped me along with that.
DougoeFre5h said:
Oh and PB, where is she goin? Ill be having quite a bit of free time this upcoming semester, not to mention I have quite the cycle planned for this winter. :eek: the university of moscow. yeah thats it, the university of moscow. is thatwhere you go? :cockblock
i got my pack...hafta wait till 530 to go pick it up at the post office as they cockblocked my dreams to have one of my roomies sign for the pack as im at work....they denied him to sign i gotta go pick it up
are you familiar w/ every employee that works the counter? I make sure I know who works at my post office, so that I can recognize anyone that is conveniently "new"
Why wouldn't they let your roommate sign? That sounds odd, but then just about everything in canada sounds odd. :)
not saying something is up. if something IS up, just be careful. when they present your pack, visualize it to see if it has been opened/resealed or tampered with. if it looks fishy, be prepared to walk away, and say you don't know what it is or who sent it, and that you don't want it.
Hey guys, if you are going to talk about packaging, can you keep it to secure Email. You don't exactly know who browses these board.

Just trying to keep everyone on the safe side.