
haha just a FYI! i got my pack all safe and sound....

my deca dont look like fudge look like syrup

EQ - syrup
deca - syrup
masteron , prop, Winstrol (winny), Npp, dbol are powders...
and the test enan is a hard liquid...well it was sorta sludgy, but now since it is in my room (room is about a lil cooler than lukewarm)

sound bout right??

as far as signing for it youll have to do that if it is sent to you. make sure you go from now on and draw no undo attention to yourself. in other words act like you got soe sense.

pullinbig said:

as far as signing for it youll have to do that if it is sent to you. make sure you go from now on and draw no undo attention to yourself. in other words act like you got soe sense.


gently put.

congrats on a successful p/u:dance2: