Let me give a little history. I have used otc aas/ph for over 10 years. Since back in the 1-ad days. I have used about every one imaginable (that I thought was worth trying) and in the process ruined myself so I had to go on trt. With all of these cycles I had done, I never had a gyno problem BUT I would get sore nipples. Even on a superdrol only cycle my nips would get sore and sensitive but never swell or grow at all. I am assuming this was then from prolactin?? Only thing I can figure..
Fast forward ten years. One year ago I started trt. Never had any problems. Two weeks ago I decided to do a cycle consisting of superdrol (methasterone), halodrol, Mithras (dimethandrostenol), and the really old school banned even before superdrol estra-4,9 diene (dienolone)... Well my dumb ass didn't even think about the fact that I am shooting test now so while with my previous cycles my test pretty much disappeared when I was on them, now I am shooting exogenous test. And it is test undecyionate (sp? On my phone writing this) so takes a good couple months to get out of your system.
Anyway, it happened. Not only did my nipples get sensitive this time, they are swollen and the areola now extends like a t.p. to the tip of my nipples instead of my nipples sticking out. I have no lumps whatsoever so that is good news. I am thinking it is just swollen glands and if I can stop it quick enough the swelling will go away and I should be ok.
1. Why would even superdrol have made my nipples sore but not swell prior to trt
2. I have every PCT supp known to man on hand. Nolva, ai, prami, etc. What should I be running to make the swelling go down?
3. I am almost due for my next test shot, should I take it as usual?
What I have done for the last two days..
.25mg prami
20mg nolva
25mg extremestane
Stopped all roids except mithras because it is the most androgenic roid I have on hand and I heard androgenic roids help with this. I always stayed away from androgenic roids for hair loss so unfortunately I don't have any good ones. This and dymethazine are probably the most androgenic ones I have and they aren't very...
Any help or thoughts would be welcomed. I did run a short run of Anavar 6 months ago and had no similar problems. I am wondering if adding the progestin (dienolone) contributed to it or just because I am on several much more potent roids.
Let me give a little history. I have used otc aas/ph for over 10 years. Since back in the 1-ad days. I have used about every one imaginable (that I thought was worth trying) and in the process ruined myself so I had to go on trt. With all of these cycles I had done, I never had a gyno problem BUT I would get sore nipples. Even on a superdrol only cycle my nips would get sore and sensitive but never swell or grow at all. I am assuming this was then from prolactin?? Only thing I can figure..
Fast forward ten years. One year ago I started trt. Never had any problems. Two weeks ago I decided to do a cycle consisting of superdrol (methasterone), halodrol, Mithras (dimethandrostenol), and the really old school banned even before superdrol estra-4,9 diene (dienolone)... Well my dumb ass didn't even think about the fact that I am shooting test now so while with my previous cycles my test pretty much disappeared when I was on them, now I am shooting exogenous test. And it is test undecyionate (sp? On my phone writing this) so takes a good couple months to get out of your system.
Anyway, it happened. Not only did my nipples get sensitive this time, they are swollen and the areola now extends like a t.p. to the tip of my nipples instead of my nipples sticking out. I have no lumps whatsoever so that is good news. I am thinking it is just swollen glands and if I can stop it quick enough the swelling will go away and I should be ok.
1. Why would even superdrol have made my nipples sore but not swell prior to trt
2. I have every PCT supp known to man on hand. Nolva, ai, prami, etc. What should I be running to make the swelling go down?
3. I am almost due for my next test shot, should I take it as usual?
What I have done for the last two days..
.25mg prami
20mg nolva
25mg extremestane
Stopped all roids except mithras because it is the most androgenic roid I have on hand and I heard androgenic roids help with this. I always stayed away from androgenic roids for hair loss so unfortunately I don't have any good ones. This and dymethazine are probably the most androgenic ones I have and they aren't very...
Any help or thoughts would be welcomed. I did run a short run of Anavar 6 months ago and had no similar problems. I am wondering if adding the progestin (dienolone) contributed to it or just because I am on several much more potent roids.
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