Gyno after doing cycle while on TRT


New member

Let me give a little history. I have used otc aas/ph for over 10 years. Since back in the 1-ad days. I have used about every one imaginable (that I thought was worth trying) and in the process ruined myself so I had to go on trt. With all of these cycles I had done, I never had a gyno problem BUT I would get sore nipples. Even on a superdrol only cycle my nips would get sore and sensitive but never swell or grow at all. I am assuming this was then from prolactin?? Only thing I can figure..
Fast forward ten years. One year ago I started trt. Never had any problems. Two weeks ago I decided to do a cycle consisting of superdrol (methasterone), halodrol, Mithras (dimethandrostenol), and the really old school banned even before superdrol estra-4,9 diene (dienolone)... Well my dumb ass didn't even think about the fact that I am shooting test now so while with my previous cycles my test pretty much disappeared when I was on them, now I am shooting exogenous test. And it is test undecyionate (sp? On my phone writing this) so takes a good couple months to get out of your system.
Anyway, it happened. Not only did my nipples get sensitive this time, they are swollen and the areola now extends like a t.p. to the tip of my nipples instead of my nipples sticking out. I have no lumps whatsoever so that is good news. I am thinking it is just swollen glands and if I can stop it quick enough the swelling will go away and I should be ok.

1. Why would even superdrol have made my nipples sore but not swell prior to trt
2. I have every PCT supp known to man on hand. Nolva, ai, prami, etc. What should I be running to make the swelling go down?
3. I am almost due for my next test shot, should I take it as usual?

What I have done for the last two days..
.25mg prami
20mg nolva
25mg extremestane
Stopped all roids except mithras because it is the most androgenic roid I have on hand and I heard androgenic roids help with this. I always stayed away from androgenic roids for hair loss so unfortunately I don't have any good ones. This and dymethazine are probably the most androgenic ones I have and they aren't very...

Any help or thoughts would be welcomed. I did run a short run of Anavar 6 months ago and had no similar problems. I am wondering if adding the progestin (dienolone) contributed to it or just because I am on several much more potent roids.
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Thanks! I have read about everything in the world on the topic. Depending on who you ask, some say if it is your areola then it is a prolactin problem, some say it doesn't matter because estrogen is still the key, some say that serms will do nothing for gyno and to stop it and take an ai, some say run both. Some say to run an androgenic roids with it. Almost none of them address the issue of being on trt during this process. Or how you would get sore but not swollen nips from methyl mastering. I have done my due diligence but would like to hear from some people with more personal experience on this. Since I have never had gyno issues personally all I know is what I read and there is a lot of conflicting information.

You should see results in 4 weeks.. U can order them both from the lion at the top of the page
I always run an AI,, so luckily I've never been in your situation and have no experience treating Gyno- but from what I read raloxifene works the best
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The same thing happened to me, I was never prone to gyno either but this last cycle got me for some reason. My nipples are puffy and stick out when I'm warm. When I'm pumped up it goes away, same with being cold. I heard that an AI like arimidex works best, so thats what i ordered. I'm saving the serms till after the cycle is over because I dont want to hinder results.
The same thing happened to me, I was never prone to gyno either but this last cycle got me for some reason. My nipples are puffy and stick out when I'm warm. When I'm pumped up it goes away, same with being cold. I heard that an AI like arimidex works best, so thats what i ordered. I'm saving the serms till after the cycle is over because I dont want to hinder results.

Siq, being your currently on a cycle aren't you already running an AI ?
Nah i never did. I'm beginning to see how i was pretty reckless.

I feel the same as you. I had just ran all of these compounds before many times with no issues so didn't even take into consideration the exogenous test I was now on. Just a dumb oversight on my part.

Thanks all. I think I will drop the serm and run the AI with the Prami. Just dropping the Progestin and running the Serm/AI/DA has made a difference the last few days. The soreness is going away but they are still a little puffy. I am so glad I didn't get to the point of severe breast tissue/gland growth or lumps but I think it did add a quarter to a half inch of fat or breast tissue. I am hoping that will go away after a few weeks on this protocol but I have read some of that may be permanent? Hoping not.