Gyno but no lump. Fatty tissue instead??!


New member
i ran some superdrol and some "oral" tren i forget what it was, ran i incorrectly and then i hopped on some finasteride for hair thinning, long story short i have fatty tissue around the lower outer part. and underneith my nipple, they arent sensitive. they dont hurt they lactate just a little bit if i pinch . but there is fatty tissue. everything i found online is for lumps and sensitive nipples etc, not just a fat build up. im not sure what to use. nolva caber letro b6? any quick help would be much appreciated xD
have you done any blood works to check any of your levels? very strange thread man, you ran some "oral tren you do not remember what it was?" you have given us no doses of what you did with this cycle nor have you shared your cycle history nor personal stats. these aint cookie recipes we're swapping here and you need to give us hard data so we can help.
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have you done any blood works to check any of your levels? very strange thread man, you ran some "oral tren you do not remember what it was?" you have given us no doses of what you did with this cycle nor have you shared your cycle history nor personal stats. these aint cookie recipes we're swapping here and you need to give us hard data so we can help.

This and more:
Have you looked at the side effects of Superdrol ? here are a few:

Pain in the testicles
Changes in breast like lumps, pain or fluids leaking from the nipple
allergic reaction like rash, itching, hives or swelling of the lips or face