Gyno gone down after nolva use


New member
ran nolva at 40mg for first week then switched to 20mg for 2nd and 3rd week till I finished my nolva symptoms have completely disappeared is there anything else I should take or do to make sure it doesn't return or I'm I good to go?
Seems like the Nolva got rid of your gyno coz your caught it early! If it comes back, get back on it or blood test (I assume this was your PCT btw) to see whre your natural systems are at!
Always manage your e2 with an ai on every cycle from here on out. Always have nolva on hand on or off cycle in case this flares back up.
This was my pct. so if I don't have any more nipple sensitivity and pain I'm i in the clear?
and no lumps either right? If not Id say for now your clear. Here is the thing, gyno has a way of rearing its ugly head again. Thats why it is so important to use an ai every cycle and try to avoid the need to run nolva alongside your ai. As I said, always, and I mean ALWAYS, have nolva on hand. Even off cycle your diet could get shitty or you could take a need that impacts your hormones and bam, a lump reappears. Jump on the nolva right away. As you have learned (the hard way) the sooner you start treating the gyno the better. Time is of the essence. Once a lump becomes fiberous it will never ever go away completely. It can be reduced to an undetectable size with serm treatment, but it will never go away.