Gyno help from tren!! Quick


New member
Right where to start 3 week into second cycle started with a vial of one rip by pro chem consists of.
75mg test prop
75mg tren a
50 mg masterone
Injected eod

Stacked with a mil of test cyp 250mg
Injected once on the Monday one rip eod after that

Idea was to have to one rip for a kick start wilts the cyp reached peak levels then carry on as once a week however having massive massive issues with gyno!! Already haven't injected the one rip now for 4 days cyp is due tomorrow. Everywhere I look for advice it's different stories on how to sort it or at least calm it so some real advice would be appreciated please thanks
Well if all went well was gunna finish the 10-12 week of cyp then end with clomid and nolva.

Run cyp before absolutely fine side effect free pct was just clomid everything was sound but no idea wats happenin keep lookin at aromosin or adex, but keep gettin confused with the about nolva with a 19 nor compound and caber
The most at a push I have is to more injections worth of half a mil each so tren gyno defense sounds when in 6 days will be out the system however need something yesterday but don't no if I can take tamoxi or adex or aromosin heads on it's ass from the tren
This doesn't necessarily have to be related to TREN, you are running Test Prop and Test Cyp..Therefor you could potentially have estro related gyno from conversion..

What AI's are you taking, if any?
This doesn't necessarily have to be related to TREN, you are running Test Prop and Test Cyp..Therefor you could potentially have estro related gyno from conversion..

What AI's are you taking, if any?

THIS ^^^^ the Test E and prop and or C will be bad on Gyno and other sides caused by Estrogen and then the Aromatase build up.
These kids are just fvckin stupid. They don't research and get into trouble. So then they panic and cry for help OMG help we all run to help but I guess they get embarrassed by age or being just stupid and realizing it and never come back.

Really... " Stupid is, as Stupid does"
These kids are just fvckin stupid. They don't research and get into trouble. So then they panic and cry for help OMG help we all run to help but I guess they get embarrassed by age or being just stupid and realizing it and never come back.

Really... " Stupid is, as Stupid does"

Not giving the guy any slack OMM, but keep in mind that he could be getting this message loud and clear without logging in.

The honest responses above, given to shiz like this are seen by more than just the just the OP (obviously ) Maybe some other dufus will read this and get a clue BEFORE fuxing up like the OP!

Good times
No I'm not fuckin stupid like I say I ran test cyp 300mg a week for 16 week absolutely fine. So didn't have one to hand straight away because the tren was only supposed to be a quickstart instead of an oral. Didn't think it wud effect like it has this quick. The idea is for help not criticism what I am asking is what Ai to take because I'm unsure what which is best don't need Ai for tren as term will stop in 5 days, so didn't see the need but again advice on is the naive? Need Ai for the rest of cycle which is just test cyp 250-350 a week
These kids are just fvckin stupid. They don't research and get into trouble. So then they panic and cry for help OMG help we all run to help but I guess they get embarrassed by age or being just stupid and realizing it and never come back.

Really... " Stupid is, as Stupid does"
We might as well hold our ground and dig in. Lots more of this coming. Get the popcorn :)
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So basically no ones got a effin clue have ya? you all just throw the word Ai about and the obvs adex and woo everyone's a fukin vet on takin gear. I ran test for 16 week and not one little side effect. So how on this cycle is it appear in after only 3 week? Seems a little strange to me. But I know a guy asking for help not even help really just done advice the answer oh what a dick. No Ai blah blah.if teen doesn't cause gyno? Why do people run Caber?
So basically no ones got a effin clue have ya? you all just throw the word Ai about and the obvs adex and woo everyone's a fukin vet on takin gear. I ran test for 16 week and not one little side effect. So how on this cycle is it appear in after only 3 week? Seems a little strange to me. But I know a guy asking for help not even help really just done advice the answer oh what a dick. No Ai blah blah.if teen doesn't cause gyno? Why do people run Caber?

You clearly have ZERO clue what this stuff does, do you. Caber is for PROLACTIN genius; the stuff that makes your dick floppy and makes you lactate like a damn dairy heifer. Gyno is caused by ESTRADIOL, which is increased by.... Testosterone!

See, I normally take the time to answer most questions with a thought out and respectful reply, however - I'm really enjoying your temper tantrum on a forum full of grown men that could give two shits what kind of growths you have sprouting under that shirt because you're an arrogant twat. :) Every single thing you want to know is in the sticky; you know, that thread you skipped over to hit "create thread". Inside this thread you'd find all sorts of information about gyno and what the heck that darn AI is used for. But nooooo, you want to be like the rest of the underage whiny brats that thinks the world owes them answers, and NOW.

Here's an idea chief, look that shit up yourself, like the good lord intended - put a couple of those brain cells to use, and realize that you could have been on the path out of becoming the next Victoria's Secret model.

But hey, I'm just a dick on a forum with a cartoon character for an avatar. :)

On second thought, show me a pic of those tits, and maybe we can work something out. ;)