Gyno help from tren!! Quick

You clearly have ZERO clue what this stuff does, do you. Caber is for PROLACTIN genius; the stuff that makes your dick floppy and makes you lactate like a damn dairy heifer. Gyno is caused by ESTRADIOL, which is increased by.... Testosterone!

See, I normally take the time to answer most questions with a thought out and respectful reply, however - I'm really enjoying your temper tantrum on a forum full of grown men that could give two shits what kind of growths you have sprouting under that shirt because you're an arrogant twat. :) Every single thing you want to know is in the sticky; you know, that thread you skipped over to hit "create thread". Inside this thread you'd find all sorts of information about gyno and what the heck that darn AI is used for. But nooooo, you want to be like the rest of the underage whiny brats that thinks the world owes them answers, and NOW.

Here's an idea chief, look that shit up yourself, like the good lord intended - put a couple of those brain cells to use, and realize that you could have been on the path out of becoming the next Victoria's Secret model.

But hey, I'm just a dick on a forum with a cartoon character for an avatar. :)

On second thought, show me a pic of those tits, and maybe we can work something out. ;)

Great. You've angered Lord Halfwit (that's actually hard to do). Now nobody makes gains for a week. Thanks a lot gymfreak26.
You clearly have ZERO clue what this stuff does, do you. Caber is for PROLACTIN genius; the stuff that makes your dick floppy and makes you lactate like a damn dairy heifer. Gyno is caused by ESTRADIOL, which is increased by.... Testosterone!

See, I normally take the time to answer most questions with a thought out and respectful reply, however - I'm really enjoying your temper tantrum on a forum full of grown men that could give two shits what kind of growths you have sprouting under that shirt because you're an arrogant twat. :) Every single thing you want to know is in the sticky; you know, that thread you skipped over to hit "create thread". Inside this thread you'd find all sorts of information about gyno and what the heck that darn AI is used for. But nooooo, you want to be like the rest of the underage whiny brats that thinks the world owes them answers, and NOW.

Here's an idea chief, look that shit up yourself, like the good lord intended - put a couple of those brain cells to use, and realize that you could have been on the path out of becoming the next Victoria's Secret model.

But hey, I'm just a dick on a forum with a cartoon character for an avatar. :)

On second thought, show me a pic of those tits, and maybe we can work something out. ;)

and so it is written.... Get back to us Gymfreak!
You clearly have ZERO clue what this stuff does, do you. Caber is for PROLACTIN genius; the stuff that makes your dick floppy and makes you lactate like a damn dairy heifer. Gyno is caused by ESTRADIOL, which is increased by.... Testosterone!

See, I normally take the time to answer most questions with a thought out and respectful reply, however - I'm really enjoying your temper tantrum on a forum full of grown men that could give two shits what kind of growths you have sprouting under that shirt because you're an arrogant twat. :) Every single thing you want to know is in the sticky; you know, that thread you skipped over to hit "create thread". Inside this thread you'd find all sorts of information about gyno and what the heck that darn AI is used for. But nooooo, you want to be like the rest of the underage whiny brats that thinks the world owes them answers, and NOW.

Here's an idea chief, look that shit up yourself, like the good lord intended - put a couple of those brain cells to use, and realize that you could have been on the path out of becoming the next Victoria's Secret model.

But hey, I'm just a dick on a forum with a cartoon character for an avatar. :)

On second thought, show me a pic of those tits, and maybe we can work something out. ;)

Lmao, best advice yet.

This place always stays entertaining that's for sure.

On a serious conversation note - isn't there a such thing as prolactin induced gyno? Could of sworn I read about it in said sticky.
So basically no ones got a effin clue have ya? you all just throw the word Ai about and the obvs adex and woo everyone's a fukin vet on takin gear. I ran test for 16 week and not one little side effect. So how on this cycle is it appear in after only 3 week? Seems a little strange to me. But I know a guy asking for help not even help really just done advice the answer oh what a dick. No Ai blah blah.if teen doesn't cause gyno? Why do people run Caber?
lol... its takes a lot to piss of halfwit... he is one of the most knowledgeable guys on the forum for your issue... yet you run your mouth..

you should have ran an estrogen and prolactin blocker from the start... at the correct dosages...

you wouldn't have ran into this problem if you did
lol... its takes a lot to piss of halfwit... he is one of the most knowledgeable guys on the forum for your issue... yet you run your mouth..

you should have ran an estrogen and prolactin blocker from the start... at the correct dosages...

you wouldn't have ran into this problem if you did

Clearly doesn't count when your kick starting your second cycle with 3 compounds.... O_o

Not to mention why a tren kick start on a second cycle? How about just some more test and maybe some tbol as a kicker?

I would like to see the tits too though.
Their not rite it's just the nipple looks puffy it's not saggy or fatty looking just like a little lump pea sized . I didn't choose the 3 esters I just had the vial and knew it was all fast acting. Thought it would be good to use that for 3 week until cup levels peaked like I say Ai didn't even come into mind as last cup cycle was perfect but this as give me lumps, read about the prolactin from term but if I'm not running the tren is their any need do I just wait until 3-4 days after last term jjab then see what happens if it persisits then run adex or aromosin
For all I no its not even gyno may even just be puffy nipples but once ran sus n deca came off fine no problems didn't even run a pct then ran test cyp 16 week kickstarted by dbol pct only comid. So naturally thought would be fine and yes half wit gyno is from estradiol how you can get prolactin induced gyno and progesterin gyno, so out of the three and not havin tried tren before and this has happened naturally thought it was something to do with the tren.

However 2 week ago I was away for the weekend and drinking brandy diet slipped quite bad for four days eatin shit and barely any protein carbs maybe high sat fat and shit cals

Cud be test related From shit diet and still a little puffy but their is a slight lump unnoticeable though.

And yes's halfwit this forum is full of men I didn't come to get criticised just advised by guys who may of known the answer not to point out the obvious. If I new a lump wyd form in just 20 days I wud of took the measures however I didn't so I never now it's happened was just asking for the right path to take.
Well on a serious note you should drop that mixed vial, there's no need to have so many things going on a second cycle. That adds a lot of variables considering you have two tests going then the tern and mast, stick to test only again, always keep things simple.

If you have a pea sized lump you need to start running the AI like yesterday, that's Gyno and if it sets it will sit and can continue to grow. Don't just see what happens, if you get aromasin start 25mg ED or if it's arimidex start running .5mg EOD.

All jokes aside this is serious stuff man, you should of ran an AI last cycle too. Just because you're not growing boobs doesn't mean your e2 isn't high. High e2 can raise BP and increase the risk of blood clots, all sorts of crazy shit man.

Shitty diet will make you hold water and look puffy, but it shouldn't be putting no lumps in your nipples.

are you doing blood work?
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Lmao, best advice yet.

This place always stays entertaining that's for sure.

On a serious conversation note - isn't there a such thing as prolactin induced gyno? Could of sworn I read about it in said sticky.
Prolactin just makes gyno worse by allowing the ducts to produce milk. This is actually what happens after women give birth; dopamine drops, oxytocin surges, prolactin surges, and milk is "let down". It just takes the right tissues to be present to make it a nasty surprise. Yes, prolactin can induce lactation without much breast tissue, but most of the time it's guys that can't leave their nipples alone.

For all I no its not even gyno may even just be puffy nipples but once ran sus n deca came off fine no problems didn't even run a pct then ran test cyp 16 week kickstarted by dbol pct only comid. So naturally thought would be fine and yes half wit gyno is from estradiol how you can get prolactin induced gyno and progesterin gyno, so out of the three and not havin tried tren before and this has happened naturally thought it was something to do with the tren.

However 2 week ago I was away for the weekend and drinking brandy diet slipped quite bad for four days eatin shit and barely any protein carbs maybe high sat fat and shit cals

Cud be test related From shit diet and still a little puffy but their is a slight lump unnoticeable though.

And yes's halfwit this forum is full of men I didn't come to get criticised just advised by guys who may of known the answer not to point out the obvious. If I new a lump wyd form in just 20 days I wud of took the measures however I didn't so I never now it's happened was just asking for the right path to take.

Progesterone and prolactin operate in totally different methods, and neither generate actual breast tissue. Progesterone is actually an antagonist, but as tren is a progestin that mimics progesterone - without having that ability, you end up with leaky nipples.

Puffy nipples are NOT gyno. That's water retention from allowing your estradiol to climb unchecked, or from a few other sources of water retention. However, if there is a noticeable lump, you probably have little baby boobies sprouting.

I don't really understand why you did things the WRONG way the first time, repeated another mistake, and hoped everything would be okay. Maybe us internet dicks just like the benefits of AAS without the nasty surprises, but I was totally being serious in the fact that you need to read the sticky at the top of this very forum.

You can prevent gynecomastia, you can (for the most part) prevent high blood pressure, you can prevent all sorts of things from happening if you just educate BEFORE you medicate. I still insist that you click the link and spend a good hour or so learning what you can - you should be on an AI NOW, not after problems start.

That would be like checking the safety of a firearm AFTER you shoot yourself in the foot. At least you're still fairly early in the cycle.

Prolactin = milk and floppy weiner problems.
Estradiol = zero sex drive, high bp, vein problems, potential cancer risks, and boobies.

There are drugs that combat these, and it's a real good idea to start them before you need them. You are being criticized not because I'm feeling mean spirited, but because if you're mature enough to stick a needle in your body, I'd expect you to be mature enough to read up on what you're sticking in there, and how to prevent issues.
Cheers grunt yeah well the lad I was training with and the gym owner who have both been on gear for years said that at 300 mg week wouldn't really desire an Ai?? But I think I'll bin the one rip and can get adex at £40. Real pharma grade shit.
Cheers grunt yeah well the lad I was training with and the gym owner who have both been on gear for years said that at 300 mg week wouldn't really desire an Ai?? But I think I'll bin the one rip and can get adex at £40. Real pharma grade shit.

I suggest you read halfwits post right above.

The worst people to listen too are your gym buddies or gym owners, usually they're just trying to sell shit and make a buck off ya, OR they are passing on silly bro knowledge.

The use of an AI at 300mg may be debatable to some guys but it's always best to use caution and start with a low dose of an AI. Look at it this way, most fellas on a high end TRT dose (but still within a normal TT) require an AI and were talkin 200mg and below a week, I myself need one with 120mg a week. Your body fat level can affect estradiol a lot, but some guys hit genetically produce more or are sensitive to it in general so always best to use caution.

I highly suggest you read the stickies halfwit mentioned, I learned so much in the course of a few days reading them. Most any question you can think of is covered in them.
So will the adex help to reduce it and even get rid? While still running cup or shall I just stop the cycle then ram a load of clom and tom in now?
Thanks halfwit yeah i get where your coming from like I say totally naive and now I'm suffering like a total twat. Just in two minds now what to do wether to run adex with the cyp or just cum off and ram a few serms in read that running nolva for long enough can actually help to reverse it?? And clinic obvs for my balls, didn't want to touch letro but day think it would be the better option?