Gyno Nipple Itch Possible On First Day Of Hdrol Use?


New member
Is it scientifically possible to get the itchy nipples gyno symptom the very first day of a Halodrol cycle? I'm aware it's not supposed to aromatise, I've run it twice in the past with no problems too, but as of last year I've become gyno prone and this is the first cycle I've embarked on since. My left nipple has been itching today after 50mg of Hdrol and I'm curious if it would even be medically possible for such an early symptom when the positive effects take so long to get into your system. Hopefully it's just a combination of mild paranoia and an itchy shirt. Can anybody shed any light on this?

I'll obviously continue for a few days more at the very least to test the water, but if it's not even a possibility then I'll quit worrying right now.
I would say it is paranoia at this point, are you running an AI? If you are gyno prone u should run forma the whole cycle and pct
I was going to run Armidex 0.5mg eod but was advised against it because of how mild Hdrol is. I would have to order the forma so it would be around a week or two before I could start. Should I stop the cycle since I'm only on day 2, or just continue until I get the forma? Or, just run the Armidex as I originally intended since I already have that?
I'll try to. Though as I said, I do have some existing gyno left over from a cycle that DID aromatise (M1-4ADD), so I was wondering if Hdrol could make that flare up this quickly. My nipples have been erect all day today and it isn't even cold, so it's hard not to get a tad paranoid. If it's still like this in a few days I think I'm going to start running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and see what happens.
DO NOT KEEP TOUCHIGN NIPPLES AND CHECKING!! I will tell you right nwo that will make it worse and may even cause issues you would have otherwise NOT had. if you HAVE to check do it once a day for a few sec then LEAVE EM ALONE...

good luck and NO i don't think its gonna happen in one day.
you shouldn't be on oral only cycle either for many reasons (mains ones being testosterone related)

good luck
I'll try to. Though as I said, I do have some existing gyno left over from a cycle that DID aromatise (M1-4ADD), so I was wondering if Hdrol could make that flare up this quickly. My nipples have been erect all day today and it isn't even cold, so it's hard not to get a tad paranoid. If it's still like this in a few days I think I'm going to start running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and see what happens.

I dont think you know what you are doing. hdrol doesnt even give estrogen sides...
I don't think you (or Meathead) are reading my posts correctly.

M1-4ADD caused my gyno during a cycle last year. I still have a minor case of existing gyno from that cycle.

As I have already said, I am aware Hdrol does not aromatise, but whether my gyno was caused by estrogen, prolactin levels or something else remains unclear. Estrogen is not the only cause of gyno, and not the only thing that exacerbates it.

Avoiding touching it is good advice though, and my endocrinologist told me the same thing last year when he confirmed I have gyno. I'm not messing around with it, though I am getting some chafe from my shirt.
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I don't think you (or Meathead) are reading my posts correctly.

M1-4ADD caused my gyno during a cycle last year. I still have a minor case of existing gyno from that cycle.

As I have already said, I am aware Hdrol does not aromatise, but whether my gyno was caused by estrogen, prolactin levels or something else remains unclear. Estrogen is not the only cause of gyno, and not the only thing that exacerbates it.

Avoiding touching it is good advice though, and my endocrinologist told me the same thing last year when he confirmed I have gyno. I'm not messing around with it, though I am getting some chafe from my shirt.

You didn't say you had existing gyno. You said you were prone. In that case, any hormonal changes could cause a flare.
My mistake.

With that in mind, could those hormonal changes possibly occur this quickly? And if you have existing gyno, even if it had settled down to the point where it was just a very mild case, should you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) even whilst using something that doesn't aromatise like Hdrol? Like I mentioned I bought and intended on using Adex during this cycle, but then was advised not to. I still have it though and can start running it at any time if it's appropriate.
have the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand just incase. but as of now it's day 1, even with pre existing gyno, it wouldn't of affected you this early in the cycle. It's paranoia, it's happened to me too. Just don't touch them, because that will make them worse. If you insist on running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) wait until post cycle therapy (pct) and run it along side of your Nolva or Clomid at the 3rd week and run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for 3-4 weeks after you finish your Nolva/clomid to prevent any possible rebound gyno.