Gyno Prevention planning


From Injury to Monster
Hey guys,

I am looking for some feedback from those who are very sensitive to gyno. For example, I got my first case of gyno from havoc a month or two after I stopped the cycle. I battle sensitive nips and developing lumps each and every cycle and for some reason, on my last cycle my prevention method of armidex .5 ED, and then letro 2.5 ED didn't stop me from getting a pretty puffy left nip and lump. Although I didn't have bloodwork mid cycle I am guessing I had bad letro and or armidex ( bought from the same company).

I ran a letro cycle for gyno removal and as soon as I began to taper from 2.5 down to 1.25 and I began to have soreness ARG. I finished with nolva but didn't receive much benefit.

Here is my issue, I have switched the product line of my ancillaries to purchasepeptides but on my next cycle I want to make sure I do NOT worsen my gyno.

Running Dbol/Test/EQ/Masteron and I would like to know if I should work to keep estrogen down with aromasin or Armidex or if I should stick with Nolva ED to explicitly prevent the breast tissue triggers..

Thanks guys- I know there are a million gyno threads out there but I am looking for specific experience here from those who are ultra-sensitive
were did u buy the so called bad AI?

I had run chem meso letro also the first time I tried a 'gyno reduction' cycle and I did receive bloodwork about a week and half after I ended my last dose of chem meso letro and my estogen wasn't out of norm. I had used them for all ancillaries each cycle so its hard to say. Either I just look at an AAS and get gyno or I just had bad product
BLOOD do you know what is causing the lumps? Is your e2 high? Prolactin high?
I have same problem even with low test doses and e2 in check, tamoxifen is the only thing that stops it...Had I not had a blood test and found my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) was killing my e2, I would of still listened to everyone on the boards..."if you have gyno you need letro, or you need ai"