Gyno Recovery Update - Next Step?


Chairman of the Bored
I cycled last summer and followed protocol like a champ. Literally never missed an AI or PCT dose, and all gear and PCT from EP. Ended cycle in mid-August, ended PCT in mid-October. I thought I recovered perfectly fine compared to any other cycle I have done and had signs of anything other than mild back acne, when all of a sudden in December, I noticed a hard and sensitive lump behind my right nipple (left is perfectly fine). I posted on the forum here and got some advice to run 60mg of Ralox ED for about three months and that it should clear up. I have been running it faithfully every single night for 5 full months now and it definitely got less sensitive and seems to have regressed a little, but the lump is definitely still there and while not painful, it is mildly tender and is still a little puffy. Not bad, and no one but me would ever notice, but it is annoying me and still a tad tender. If it won't ever fully go away, I am hoping to at least help it clear up a little more. Outside of bloodwork, which I will work on getting done, can you lend any insight at all into this and what my next step should or could be? This has caused me to step away from gear completely. Thanks, guys!
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youve been treating this for 5 months w 60mg of Ralox ED and it has not gone away? and it was only meant for 3 months, how do you deal with the sides? did you try upping the dosages?
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I haven't experienced any sides. Or at least none that were noticeable. I did not up the dose because I don't know enough about Ralox to know what is safe, or how long I can stay on it without risk. Will happily accept any input!!!