Gyno Symptoms – complicated situation- urgent advice appreciated!


New member
Hi guys,

I am reaching out as I believe I am starting to get gyno as it is tender to touch and I can feel a tiny bump. The situation is that I leave to go overseas for 9 weeks in 4 days and all I have on hand is liquid clomid and tamoxifen(liquid and tablets(nolva)).

I was really unprepared for this cycle and abused the short time I had to do the cycle as I only had 10 weeks from the day the gear was delivered. I was left with the ultimatum to go overseas 7 kilos heavier and take the cycle without proper PCT or just not do the cycle. I took the stupid route of taking the cycle. I understand I did the wrong thing (I am an experienced user), and I understand what I did was stupid. Please keep replies constructive as I understand the risks I took were stupid.

Cycle was:
- Week 1: 2x 500mg twice a week Test E (front loaded)
- Weeks 2-8: 2x 250mg twice a week Test E
- Weeks 5-9: 20mg dbol in AM, 20mg dbol in PM
- Weeks 9-10: 2x 340mg twice a week Test E

I have not completed week 9 on the test E as I am due for a jab today but holding off until I get advice.
Questions I am asking is:

What can I do to reduce the probability of the gyno progressing with what I have before I leave in 4 days?
Should I stop the Test E straight away or continue my last two jabs? Will stopping abruptly aggravate the situation further so should I taper off slowly?
The effect that alcohol will make if I drink while on the PCT while overseas?
Should I be trying to source PCT while I am overseas, if so, what?
I am at wits end and any help would be greatly appreciated.
You say your an experienced user but don't seem to understand how test e works. It's a long ester. So it will taper off on its own. You said it yourself that you were stupid about this cycle. I agree. So why continue with it? Stop pinning and start nolva at 40mgs per day. In 2 weeks or so, add 50 mgs of clomid with the nolva for 4 weeks. Continue nolva at 20mgs per day till your "gyno" is gone. If you can't do this, I don't know what other advice to offer you. Chances are with a good pct you will still not feel like you did on cycle. Without a pct, well that's stupid...
Thanks for your advice. I understand how test e works but tapering off the dosages I thought might be valuable. I've never had to stop a cycle early hence me asking if I should continue. The only reason I wanted to continue was to not shock anything by coming off the cycle too quick, not to continue it for the sake of it. I know this was stupid but I am in the position now so just wanted advice. Thanks again for your help.
Take the Clomid and Nolva (PCT) with you on your trip. You need to continue/complete PCT when your cycle ends. As Tbone said, atop the injections immediately so that you can move onto the PCT phase in 2-3 weeks. No dbol or other orals either.

Get Raloxifene in the mean time or while you are on your trip. It is better at reducing gyno. But Tamoxifen is the next best, so continue that until the Raloxifene arrives.

Why didn't you use an aromatase inhibitor?
If you understand how test e works then you would know that there isn't any shock to the system going on. What's shocking is that you didn't use an ai and you want to continue the cycle... Are you really as experienced as you say you are?
start low dose tamox (ie 10-20mg ed) and stop all shots, in a couple weeks do PCT of Clomid and tamox... next time use an AI on cycle and e prepared.
good luck
(also i rec Ralox from RUI if you had time to, if you do have gyno I would rec trying that after pct...