Gyno treatment question - running serm while on cycle


New member
I'm pretty sure I'v developed some slight gyno from my first cycle about 2 or so years ago. My nipples are very puffy so I need to wear a thick, tight undershirt to not see my nips through my shirt. Its not a HUGE deal, but it is very annoying. I'm going to try to reverse the gyno with long term nolvadex treatment. I'm supposed to take novla for about 9 months or so and I was wondering if there would be any problems with running a cycle while on novla. I have heard that it may take a little of your gains, but thats okay, just need to know if it cause any major problems.
Go see a doctor and get examined for gyno to see if you really have it.

Look up posts by Austinite. He wrote an extensive one on gyno.
I'm pretty sure I'v developed some slight gyno from my first cycle about 2 or so years ago. My nipples are very puffy so I need to wear a thick, tight undershirt to not see my nips through my shirt. Its not a HUGE deal, but it is very annoying. I'm going to try to reverse the gyno with long term nolvadex treatment. I'm supposed to take novla for about 9 months or so and I was wondering if there would be any problems with running a cycle while on novla. I have heard that it may take a little of your gains, but thats okay, just need to know if it cause any major problems.

Running a cycle while trying to get rid of gyno is very counterproductive because you'll aggrivate it. Also, 9 months of nolvadex is not necessary. Run letrozole and nolva for 1-2 months and if this doesn't get rid of it, you may need to look into surgery.