Had full blood work up done, doctor isn't going to do anything


New member
So I started another thread about a week ago about my growth hormone test results, found here:


But I got my full blood work up results and I am going to post them here.

The back story:

I am 38 years old and I went to the doctor after I noticed I've lost 2 inches in height. I didn't check my height in more than 10 years so it came as quite a shock. I've had no medical conditions (than being severely vitamin D deficient for probably more than 10 years), no surgeries, and I've been on no medications at all. The way I discovered I was severely vitamin D deficient was I developed shingles when I was 32 years old and in search for the cause (by myself, the doctors had no interest in finding the cause they simply said it happens) I requested a vitamin D blood test after researching the subject for 2 months and linking the symptoms with possible cause, and it turned out I was right. It was low, very very low (9 ng/ml). The doctors were shocked how low it was and said they never would have tested my vitamin D levels because I wasnt a senior. I realized then that I probably had been that low for a long time because I worked long hours and worked indoors. So I immediately began high dose vitamin D3 supplementation (20,000 IU per day every day for 6 months). Got blood levels checked and my levels were within "acceptable" range, so I lowered it down to 10,000 IU per day every day and have been taking that amount for the last 6 years.

What happened:

When I realized I shrunk by 2 inches I called my GP and booked an appointment. He didn't believe me when I said I shrunk so they took measurements and confirmed I did in fact shrink by 2.03 inches compared to the last height measurement they had on record for me. So he requested a complete blood work up. I had to specifically request testosterone/hormone level testing because I had read that low T can cause height loss. I literally spent 4 hours one morning getting blood drawn for all of the test.

Here are the results:

TSH:           1.9 mIU/L    (Range: 0.32 - 4.00)
Free T4:       12 pmol/L    (Range: 9 - 19)
Free T3:       3.9 pmol/L   (Range: 3.1 - 6.2)
Reverse T3:    17 ng/dL     (Range: 8 - 25)

FSH:                   3.1 IU/L      (Range: 1.0 - 8.0)
LH:                    2.2 IU/L      (Range: 1.0 - 7.0)
DHEA-S:                9.9 umol/L    (Range: <15.0)
  - 9.9 umol/L = 3650 ng/mL
Total Testosterone:    11.1 nmol/L   (Range: 8.4 - 28.8)
  - 11.1 nmol/L = 319 ng/dL
Free Testosterone:     235 pmol/L    (Range: 196 - 636)
  - 235 pmol/L = 6.5 ng/dL
DHT:                   2400 pmol/L   (Range: 860 - 3406)
SHBG:                  29.3 nmol/L   (Range: 10.0 - 70.0)
Estradiol:             17 ng/dL      (Range: 8 - 25)
Estrone:               268 pmol/L    (No range given)

Growth Hormone hGH (all 8 samples):   <0.1 ug/L  (Range: <3.0)
   - 0.1 ug/L = 0.1 ng/dL

WBC:                    10.0 x E9/L   (Range: 4.0 - 11.0)
RBC:                    4.82 x E12/L  (Range: 4.50 - 6.00)
Hemoglobin:             150 g/L       (Range: 135 - 175)
Hematocrit:             0.43 L/L      (Range: 0.400 - 0.500)
MCV:                    89 fL         (Range: 80 - 100)
MCH:                    31.1 pg       (Range: 27.5 - 33.0)
MCHC:                   350 g/L       (Range: 305 - 360)
Platelets:              243 x E9/L    (Range: 150 - 400)
RDW:                    13.5 %        (Range: 11.5 - 14.5)
Ferritin:               162 ug/L      (Range: 22 - 275)
Folate:                 >2500 nmol/L  (Range: > 1186)
Vitamin B12:            509 pmol/L    (Range: 138 - 652)

Neutrophils:                        4.0 x E9/L (Range: 2.0 - 7.5) 
Lymphocytes:       HI               4.8 x E9/L (Range: 1.0 - 3.5) 
Monocytes:                          0.9 x E9/L (Range: 0.2 - 1.0)
Eosinophils:                        0.2 x E9/L (Range: 0.0 - 0.5)
Basophils:                          0.1 x E9/L (Range: 0.0 - 0.2)

Glucose Fasting: 	            5.1 mmol/L  (Range: 3.6 - 6.0)
Hemoglobin A1C/Total Hemoglobin:    5.4 %       (Range: <6.0)
Sodium:                             138 mmol/L  (Range: 135 - 145)
Potassium:                          4.2 mmol/L  (Range: 3.5 - 5.2)
Creatinine:                          85 umol/L  (Range: 67 - 117)
Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR):  100         (Range: Greater than or equal to 90)

Urate:                            269 umol/L  (Range: 230 - 480)
Albumin:                          46 g/L      (Range: 35 - 52)
Bilirubin Total:                   9 umol/L   (Range: <20)
Alkaline Phosphatase:       LO    35 U/L      (Range: 40-129)
Alanine Aminotransferase:         23 U/L      (Range: <50)
Aspartate Aminotransferase:       25 U/L      (Range: <35)
Lactate Dehydrogenase:            173 U/L     (Range: 110 - 230)

Creatine Kinase:                  264 U/L       (Range: 44 - 275)
Triglyceride:                     1.90 mmol/L   (No range given)
Cholesterol:                      5.72 mmol/L   (No range given)
HDL Cholesterol:                  1.14 mmol/L   (No range given)
Non HDL Cholesterol:              4.58 mmol/L   (No range given)
LDL Cholesterol:                  3.72 mmol/L   (No range given)
Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol:      5.0           (No range given)

1, 25 Dihydroxyvitamin D:       120 pmol/L  (Range: 60 - 206)
   - 120 pmol/L = 46 pg/ml
25-Hydroxyvitamin D:            145 nmol/L  (Range: 75 - 250)
   - 145 nmol/L = 58 ng/ml

After having a follow up with the results the GP is not doing anything and he said all seems within normal range and I'm not going to refer you to an endocrinologist. (Note: I live in Canada and without a referral to a specialist you're pretty much shit out of luck, and it also means its impossible to get a second opinion since all the other GPs in my city aren't accepting new patients and there is a wait-list that takes at least 8 months before you get assigned a new doctor.) My only option may be to drive 8 hours and go see a doctor in the US, but I have no idea how much that would cost or if they would even see a Canadian citizen.

So here I am, asking what you guys make of my results.

I've got a feeling my growth hormone results are low. But there is nothing I can find online that can confirm this.

I also have a feeling my testosterone results are low.

But the problem I find with the ranges they provide doesn't really state what is too low and what is too low or too high for someone my age.

What do you guys think?
Your total test of 11.1 nmol/L is equal to 320 ng/dL in units we use. This is high enough to not treat, but low enough to have symptoms.

View attachment 567378

Above is a reference chart per age showing the ranges. You can see at 38 years old you are right on the curve at the bottom of the range, in terms of school a D student.
Your total test of 11.1 nmol/L is equal to 320 ng/dL in units we use. This is high enough to not treat, but low enough to have symptoms.

View attachment 567378

Above is a reference chart per age showing the ranges. You can see at 38 years old you are right on the curve at the bottom of the range, in terms of school a D student.

That's depressing. So it shows my level is the bottom 1 percentile for my age group (or in other words the mid-average of the 80 - 100 year old group).

Is there anything I can try to boost those levels without actual TRT since no doctor would even consider it?