Had gyno pretty much whole life, but check this out.

early cuyler

New member
Since I was in the 7th grade I had gyno, I was never over weight until around 18 years old I moved out turned into an alcoholic couch potato eating in excess of i'd say 300 carbs a day literally (260lbs 5ft 5" little muscle), I've dealt with bitch tits my whole life "Pseudogynecomastia" according to this.
Dieting, exercise, lifting, slowly did help but I'm add/adhd as fuck I can't stick with shit. I've managed to get my weight down to 190 at 5ft 9" but the bitch tits are strong in this one. I've cycled test e test p deca tbol dbol and never had an issue with an increase in the bitch tits, even had mammograms etc just to find out if I was eligible under insurance to get the knife. Lucky for this guy, I wasn't.... EDIT: I always ran Anastrozole. and pct was fine.

Now I do understand that cycling below the age of 25 poses major threats to my future health. Growth, and reproductive parts and the possibility of being on doctor test the rest of my life, but i mean honestly that's probably already needed ;)

So please don't bash me there I'm 24 now, and wondering if I should give tren ace a shot in low doses, test the water see if the sides are bearable or even there, tren ace is out of the system in like 4 days i believe. I understand it has anabolic rating of 500 and an androgenic rating of 500.

Also I have very little knowledge about blood tests / work i've tried to research it and it's just all acronyms and bullshit rambling this that and the other if someone could simplify the main things to keep an eye on and ask the doc about that would be great.

Please do not flame me I'm not an idiot, If you were in my shoes you would find peace and confidence within lifting heavy ass weight too.
Oh and "diet and wait till your older" that comment i've read all to many times.

So just to summarize before you comment back: I'm 190 5ft 9" I have bitch tits, since I was a kid so I don't really care about that, Sides are intense for some I get that, Blood work please point out the main things to check, And yes I've dieted and ran my fat ass I was 260lbs at 5ft 5"...

Last cycles my diets were shit and Anastrozole gave me high BP
Now my diet is to a T just something to take into account.

So I guess what I'm asking is should I test out tren ace?
I'm currently on a diet and doing lots of cardio and calisthenics, Would clen or T3 be a bad idea?
Regardless of you're answer I will be cycling sus 270 was just wondering if I should try a testp and tren a cycle.
And is it true that Nolva has been none to reverse Pseudogynecomastia?

Sorry for all the questions in one giant cluster fuck.
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Dude, I cant tell you do this do that. You gotta decide by yourself. If you wanna run it and you know how to run it. So you wont get fucked up. then go ahead, you already ran deca which is 19-nor as well... I would say maybe even more harsh for some then tren.

As far as Tren sides go, I am on tren now [tren/test/mast] and only side I have is little insomnia and little to none night sweats. So I may consider myself kinda lucky and definately in love with tren.Or maybe is the Mast that helps with those sides. But everyone is different.

And bitch tits? I got puffy nipples from puberty as well, it kinda seems the lower BF Iam it gets a bit smaller, but definately doesnt go away, when I get to like 7-8% bf Iam considering to go under knife.
So answer your question I dont really think nolva will help you, since you have it for so long.

There is no problem running clen, but without good diet in deficit it wont have any effect.
And from MY presonal experience I wouldnt run t3 without AAS, as it gets my muscle in deficit really fast.

Hope it helps a bit [sry for my english, its my second language]
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So I am confused. Do you have gynecomastia or psuedo-gynecomastia? Take raloxaifene for the former and lose weight for the latter. Drugs will do nothing for psuedo-gyno.
Ok. Only way to get rid of psuedo is to lose weight.

You can run a cycle if you want. You are on the young side though. But don't run tren. That is only for the experienced. Run test only. Make sure you use an Aromatase Inhibitor. If you are worried about real gyno, you could also run Tamaxifen.

Make sure you have your PCT on place and mapped out.

And do yourself a HUGE favor. Get your baseline blood work before you start taking anything. Then get mid and post cycle blood work or anytime you run into complications. Blood work is very important.
Ok I'll drop the tren idea, I've ran deca without problems, which is a 19-nor but the Anabolic/Androgenic ratio is: 125:37 opposed to tren's 500:500
After more research on my part and with common sense, you can tell that tren would immediately shut down everything! and require an extensive pct with fingers crossed, that is unless my body's okay with the compound.

I have plenty of Nolvadex.
I'll make sure to discuss with my doctor that I need baseline blood work done, and tell him why. Before/mid/after.

PCT is good.

And again I'm amazed with the support this community has, I'm definitely staying for good!

Keep you guys posted on my next cycle coming up here soon.
Don't tell your doc you are going to run a cycle. You don't want that in your medical records. Go to Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online and get the Hormone Panel for Females (for men too). Keep it private.

P.S. Deca shuts you down hard too. Test does as well. AAS shuts you down.
That's odd I didn't notice till the end of the test/deca/tbol cycle the shutting down.
And thanks for the PrivMD source!
diet down until you have a low body fat and then run ralox or tamox and rid the gyno my man. you cant do anything about it until you bf is undercontrol because estrogen stores in fat. dont be negative about the past bro, you have a whole lot more future. one step at a time ology is here to help my bro.

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@ the OP, you mentioned that you have ADD/ADHD. Was this an actual diagnosis, and when? and were you taking any medications for it? If so, which medications? How do you know for certain that its pseudo vs physiologic gyno? You also mentioned that at some point you had become an alcoholic so I would also check LFTs. If the alcohol has caused liver issues then more testosterone will become available to convert to estrogen, and that is a common cause of gyno in men who drink a lot. In addition to the LH and FSH I would also check TSH, prolactin, free test, and creatinine if you haven't yet done those. This is not all acronyms and bullshit. You have to be willing to take the time to research these things and write stuff down so that you know the basics of what they mean and why they might be important to your situation. You also mentioned something about high blood pressure from anastrazole. How high does your blood pressure get when you're running AAS/PCT? I advise caution with this, especially if you're using stuff like T3 and clen but pretty much any AS. JMO, but I would not recommend going on cycle if your body fat is still up there. In fact, I would just put the whole idea of cycling out of my mind until I got the body fat under control.

As for the gyno, it is sometimes a chronic condition for a lot of bros even though they they've lost the fat from pretty much everywhere else. AIs/SERMs don't always work for this, and pseudogyno doesn't always resolve after you lose weight. In some cases, if you really want to get rid of the tits the best (most efficient) way to do it is surgically. They make tiny incisions through which they go in suction most of the fatty tissue out. The tits will vanish overnight, and as the swelling goes down your chest will look amazingly good as the skin tightens back up over the muscles. The drawbacks are that this surgery is not cheap and it also calls for significant downtime during which you will not be able to do any lifting. I highly recommend it. I've also seen abdominal lipo give great results for bros who've been lifting for years and just couldn't get right of stubborn belly fat. I've also personally been under the knife to have a few things done. Some may call this cheating, but whatever. It is important though if you opt for surgery that you choose a good doc who has a solid track record of beautiful outcomes---not just the cheapest place you can find. Plastic surgery is an art. Some docs are perfectionists who strive for the best possible and most realistic outcome for their clients, and others only care about collecting your money. Choose wisely.
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