Had recent surgery for separated shoulder - Advice?


New member
I've been looking at forums for a while now due to my surgery. Suffered a grade 3 (maybe a 4) a while ago. I'm an intermediate AAS user, got the basics down in terms of use, workout, diet and supplements. I have seen Shithead's responses on here quite a bit so I'm hoping he comments.

Had my surgery 3.5 weeks ago, went great, shoulder, back, tricep all feel way better already.

My question is when and what can I run to speed up recovery without facking up my surgery. Currently been clean almost a year but lost 35 pounds of solid muscle since the injury, currently I am less than my stabilized clean weight due to not being able to workout at all prior to surgery (my back could not do it). I am considering running GH at 4iu's 5on 2off a week, for 6-7 months, starting in next couple weeks. I got more than enough test enanth, test prop, EQ, Dianabol blue hearts on hand with all the necessary anti-e's/pct routine items for after. Note: i do not have to run everything.

Do you think I can start the GH in couple weeks (5weeks after surgery) and then start my AAS run about 2 weeks after that? I plan to run a long 18-20 week cycle with GH use extending 6 weeks past AAS use. is this a plan or no?

This injury has been a real mind fack for me, depression/body image problems due to deformity, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Shoulder Injury

I've been looking at forums for a while now due to my surgery. Suffered a grade 3 (maybe a 4) a while ago. I'm an intermediate AAS user, got the basics down in terms of use, workout, diet and supplements. I have seen Shithead's responses on here quite a bit so I'm hoping he comments.

Had my surgery 3.5 weeks ago, went great, shoulder, back, tricep all feel way better already.

My question is when and what can I run to speed up recovery without facking up my surgery. Currently been clean almost a year but lost 35 pounds of solid muscle since the injury, currently I am less than my stabilized clean weight due to not being able to workout at all prior to surgery (my back could not do it). I am considering running GH at 4iu's 5on 2off a week, for 6-7 months, starting in next couple weeks. I got more than enough test enanth, test prop, EQ, Dianabol blue hearts on hand with all the necessary anti-e's/pct routine items for after. Note: i do not have to run everything.

Do you think I can start the GH in couple weeks (5weeks after surgery) and then start my AAS run about 2 weeks after that? I plan to run a long 18-20 week cycle with GH use extending 6 weeks past AAS use. is this a plan or no?

This injury has been a real mind fack for me, depression/body image problems due to deformity, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hey man,
sorry to hear about your injury. I realize this thread is a few months old but I wanted to throw in my input. I had a good buddy of mine that I lift with that separated his shoulder. It was a bad deal had to take a lot of time off because he didn't want to listen to the doctor and get surgery right away. He had the body image problem that you are referring to as well. What he had to come to realize is that people don't really care...I mean a lot of it is in your head. Luckily once he had surgery the deformity went away and keeping his shoulder in a brace from BraceAbility really helped him out until he had fully recovered. He now is perfectly healthy and lifting at a torrid pace again. Hopefully things have worked out for you!