Hairloss,DHT,age,low test


New member
Heres a thought that just popped in;

When I was 17 my hairline started to receed. I was convinced I would be bald by my late 20`s. (Father was bald by 30)
I started taking better care of my scalp by using good shampoos but never used rogain or anything like that. Also started eating healthy by my mid 20`s and excersising since 18. (lifestyle helps w/ hairloss)
Anyway, I`m 37 now and although I have a receeding hairline I still have hair!!

When I got my blood work done back in April It showed I had low Test.
So I`m guessing that as I got older my test got lower and lower and therefore my DHT levels got lower & lower and thats why I`m still hangin on to some hair.
This is just a therory , what you guys think.

I`m starting my 1st cycle in Sept. and started using Propecia in anticipation of hair loss from the T Cyp. I`m not trying to NOT be bald, I have come to grips w/ the fact, I`m just trying to avoid a major blowout when I start my cycle. I basically buzz my hair to the nub nowadays cause the hairloss is quite noticible. I have the typical horseshoe pattern hairloss. No baldspot in the back yet but the front portion looks like a shark took a bite out of it.
Heres a thought that just popped in;

When I was 17 my hairline started to receed. I was convinced I would be bald by my late 20`s. (Father was bald by 30)
I started taking better care of my scalp by using good shampoos but never used rogain or anything like that. Also started eating healthy by my mid 20`s and excersising since 18. (lifestyle helps w/ hairloss)
Anyway, I`m 37 now and although I have a receeding hairline I still have hair!!

When I got my blood work done back in April It showed I had low Test.
So I`m guessing that as I got older my test got lower and lower and therefore my DHT levels got lower & lower and thats why I`m still hangin on to some hair.
This is just a therory , what you guys think.

I`m starting my 1st cycle in Sept. and started using Propecia in anticipation of hair loss from the T Cyp. I`m not trying to NOT be bald, I have come to grips w/ the fact, I`m just trying to avoid a major blowout when I start my cycle. I basically buzz my hair to the nub nowadays cause the hairloss is quite noticible. I have the typical horseshoe pattern hairloss. No baldspot in the back yet but the front portion looks like a shark took a bite out of it.

While your theory is seemingly logical there is a point to consider that may infer a more complex relationship is in play.

Most peer-reviewed published studies on BPE show a common correlation that would not lend support to your theory. In most of the studies, males with BPE have also have low testosterone. Remember, DHT is a primary factor in BPE. So, low testosterone does not seemingly equate to low DHT.

hairloss is not just dht.....

its estrogen related as well. AND. an immunological response... your immune system attacks your hair follicles