Halodrol-50 question


New member
I am going to take halodrol-50 soon. How long does it take after the 30-day cycle to wash out of your system so it would not show up on a standard drug test? Does it show up at all on a drug test?
Yes you will test positive according to the label.

WARNINGS: Do not use this product if you are at risk or are being treated for high blood pressure, heart, kidney, thyroid or psychiatric disease, anxiety, depression, seizure disorders or stroke. Consult your health care professional before use if you are taking antidepressants, MAO/MAOi inhibitors or any other prescription drugs. Not for use in women or in any persons under the age of 18. Keep away from children. Do not use for more than 30 days without a 90 day break; ****if you are a professional or amateur athlete subject to performance enhancing substance testing, do not use this product unless cleared by your sanctioning body as it may cause a false reactive result for a urine or blood drug test.****

True...but it is an oral supplement with a steroid in it and youre not injecting it into your blood, so does that mean it will be detectable in your system for a shorter period of time? About how long after one cycle of steroids injected is it still detectable in a standard drug test? I am guessing injected stays longer but that is just me thinking. What do you think? It has only "a" steroid in it so Iassume much less powerful and prominent than injected steroids..
This might help..

One of the two steroids found in Halodrol-50, Catlin said, more closely resembles Oral-Turinabol than any other known steroid, but the two are not identical in structure. The steroid would be undetectable in standard drug tests because it is not an exact match with Oral-Turinabol.

"This is an unknown," Catlin said. "If I had to pick one it's ever so close to, it's Oral Turinabol. . . . It's very close."

Athletes taking Halodrol-50 would flunk standard sport drug tests, however, because DMT -- which Catlin identified more than a year ago -- is now detectable. DMT was one of three steroids found associated with BALCO. The others were norbolethone and THG, also known as "the clear."
Sorry fellas....i can only give opinions on AAS's. Anything witha pro hormone in it is worthless IMO....all the sides without the gains.

You can get this over the counter or could at one time'

IM taking it now--and i feel great--big differnce--and ive used gear before-this IS close!
Hey Gator,

You do not what you are talking about.

Halodrol is extremely effective with low side effects. Its stronger then most AAS.

I ate clean when I did my cycle and gained 8 lbs of lean mass, my squat improved by 40lbs(405lbs x 8), Bench by 30lbs, all other lifts improved as well. A month off and I have maintained my gains in lean mass and have lost minimal strength.

I have been lifting seriously for 23 years, I am 38 years old and gains like this do not come easily.

One word of caution Halodrol does shut you down, no doubt. Reducing training volume and cardio during post cycle therapy (pct) is reccomended.
I noticed a loss of libido and no morning wood during my second week of post cycle therapy (pct).

I have been off of Halodrol for 5 weeks now. I am just finishing off the Novedex XT(tapering down) and my natural test levels are back to normal, morning wood and spontaneous erections have returned!

Halodrol is an extremely strong compound without sides such as baldness(I am prone), acne, agression, testicular atrophy,etc..THE ONLY SIDE IS THAT IT REALLY SHUTS YOU DOWN, a good post cycle therapy (pct) is definetly needed.

Oh yeah I felt that B5 supplementation helped my libido during post cycle therapy (pct).

Don't comment on something you don't know anything about.

And oh yeah , its legal, so after you buy it you don't have to worry about getting handcuffed on your way home from buying it.
I don't know about you, but I have a great carreer, two kids, a wife, a nice house, etc.. I don't need the hassle of getting arrested, plus I am stronger and bigger then most juicers and I have only done 4 pro-hormone cycles in my life, mostly while cutting to preserve mass.