Hey Gator,
You do not what you are talking about.
Halodrol is extremely effective with low side effects. Its stronger then most AAS.
I ate clean when I did my cycle and gained 8 lbs of lean mass, my squat improved by 40lbs(405lbs x 8), Bench by 30lbs, all other lifts improved as well. A month off and I have maintained my gains in lean mass and have lost minimal strength.
I have been lifting seriously for 23 years, I am 38 years old and gains like this do not come easily.
One word of caution Halodrol does shut you down, no doubt. Reducing training volume and cardio during post cycle therapy (pct) is reccomended.
I noticed a loss of libido and no morning wood during my second week of post cycle therapy (pct).
I have been off of Halodrol for 5 weeks now. I am just finishing off the Novedex XT(tapering down) and my natural test levels are back to normal, morning wood and spontaneous erections have returned!
Halodrol is an extremely strong compound without sides such as baldness(I am prone), acne, agression, testicular atrophy,etc..THE ONLY SIDE IS THAT IT REALLY SHUTS YOU DOWN, a good post cycle therapy (pct) is definetly needed.
Oh yeah I felt that B5 supplementation helped my libido during post cycle therapy (pct).
Don't comment on something you don't know anything about.
And oh yeah , its legal, so after you buy it you don't have to worry about getting handcuffed on your way home from buying it.
I don't know about you, but I have a great carreer, two kids, a wife, a nice house, etc.. I don't need the hassle of getting arrested, plus I am stronger and bigger then most juicers and I have only done 4 pro-hormone cycles in my life, mostly while cutting to preserve mass.