Halotestin kick-in times? When to take it?


New member

tl;dr How long does it take for Halotestin to kick in optimally?

Knowing that Halotestin has a very short half-life (9.5hours?), I'm wondering when the best time for me to dose it is?

My daily routine is 6.30am wake-up, getting to the gym at for 7am. Can't move my timings around much (at all) due to work. Is 30 minutes long enough for it to properly kick in (4 dem raw sick str gainz, u get me?)? I'm struggling to believe that taking it before I go to sleep would be a better option (I sleep 7hours, so it would just about hit its half-life as I finish in the gym on a long session)?

Anyone have some insight here, thoughts, or experience on how to maximise the efficiency?

My plan with halotestin is to use 5mg ED as a pre-workout. Friend managed to have some spare, so I thought I'd give it a try. I have enough for 4 weeks at the stated dose (I wouldn't use any longer anyway)

Extra info:
- Currently week 2 of 10 in test prop cycle (have cycled test once before), want to begin Halo as soon as possible for the highest chance of solidifying my gains
- My plan and PCT, anti-ai and everything else has been thoroughly planned out, I've got no worries on the prop cycle,
- 400kcal deficit (diet is very clean), lifting in a rolling 3-day split (no rest days),
- Aim is to drop 2% bf whilst at the least maintaining LBM,
- I've done my research on the dangers, side-effects, reaction-drills of Halo, don't worry.

Can't think of anything I've forgotten to add.
Sorry if I've broken any forum etiquettes, first post.

tl;dr How long does it take for Halotestin to kick in optimally?

Knowing that Halotestin has a very short half-life (9.5hours?), I'm wondering when the best time for me to dose it is?

My daily routine is 6.30am wake-up, getting to the gym at for 7am. Can't move my timings around much (at all) due to work. Is 30 minutes long enough for it to properly kick in (4 dem raw sick str gainz, u get me?)? I'm struggling to believe that taking it before I go to sleep would be a better option (I sleep 7hours, so it would just about hit its half-life as I finish in the gym on a long session)?

Anyone have some insight here, thoughts, or experience on how to maximise the efficiency?

My plan with halotestin is to use 5mg ED as a pre-workout. Friend managed to have some spare, so I thought I'd give it a try. I have enough for 4 weeks at the stated dose (I wouldn't use any longer anyway)

Extra info:
- Currently week 2 of 10 in test prop cycle (have cycled test once before), want to begin Halo as soon as possible for the highest chance of solidifying my gains
- My plan and PCT, anti-ai and everything else has been thoroughly planned out, I've got no worries on the prop cycle,
- 400kcal deficit (diet is very clean), lifting in a rolling 3-day split (no rest days),
- Aim is to drop 2% bf whilst at the least maintaining LBM,
- I've done my research on the dangers, side-effects, reaction-drills of Halo, don't worry.

Can't think of anything I've forgotten to add.
Sorry if I've broken any forum etiquettes, first post.

I'm far from an expert but I do have years of lifting and using gear under my belt. halotestin is in your system very quickly in my experience, and you gotta check your temper while on it. makes me fcking nasty, like tren does. actually besides tren and masterone, halotestin makes me very short tempered.
what I noticed on the positive side of halotestin was the increased vascularity across my shoulder and upper chest. not big cables, but a lot of small veins running across my chest and delts. cool look I think. never got huge gains from it size wise, but aggressive in the gym as well as other locations.
it's hard on the liver though bro.
Sweet, I think i'll just pop it as soon as I wake up then, cheers pal. Looking forward to starting, the vascularity sounds good!

Haha, I'm usually pretty calm, and I don't drink much, so hopefully I won't be too much of a dick :p
When I take PSL EP Halotestin I feel it within about 25 mintues! My aggression is up there. I can always squeeze out another few reps when I'm close to failure. Its like having a good lifting day whether you want it or not.