HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?


New member
Chemical Name: Fluoxymesteron
Dosage: 10-40mg/day
Active time: 6-8 hours
Anabolic/androgenic ratio: 1,900/850


Halotestin is a very powerful hormone. On paper its HIGHLY anabolic and very androgenic. However, it doesn't seem to pack on serious size considering how anabolic it is. It appears to give a very nice hardening/chiseled effect when used for physique purposes.

It also has amazing strength gaining properties. Used by many powerlifters for it's strength and aggression benefits.

So my question to those who have experience with it......which is it best suited for? Have you used it for physique purposes? Strength purposes? How effective is it for either purpose? Are their better alternatives for either goal?

Lets hear your thoughts....:)
i havent used it personally, but id assume because its an oral and should on be used for shorter periods of time it would be best used for physique and cutting phases for its high androgenic properties. But maybe within the first few weeks of a cycle can add a nice boost in strength and aggression to kickstart it
i havent used it personally, but id assume because its an oral and should on be used for shorter periods of time it would be best used for physique and cutting phases for its high androgenic properties. But maybe within the first few weeks of a cycle can add a nice boost in strength and aggression to kickstart it

I've heard that some competitors use it for the hardening effect pre-contest. It supposedly brings out striations very well. Some even claim its a MUST pre-contest.

Then there's the powerlifters that take it weeks leading up to a meet for the rapid onset of strength it provides.
Ahh Halo. My first ever drug I ran back when I was 19.

All I remember was, at the start I could only bench 225lbs for 4 reps max. Six weeks later of running Halo and I was benching 315lbs for 2 reps all by myself with no spot
Ahh Halo. My first ever drug I ran back when I was 19.

All I remember was, at the start I could only bench 225lbs for 4 reps max. Six weeks later of running Halo and I was benching 315lbs for 2 reps all by myself with no spot

There u have it.

AQnd when I powerlifted size..muscle..came with strength..my main problem was making weight as I was a 198 and the 220 s were fooling with weight and doses I was not ready to commit to. I m of the opinion if I was younger and wanted to get both bigger and stronger I d use it to try to do to heavy 5 s or 8 s and then feed the machine as if you force urself to get stronger and then force urself to feed properly you ll get bigger....or I m really lost.

Like M1T I like the non water aspect but don t even do that more than 2-3 weeks as

It s an oral
My job does not allow for more aggression as I m an asshole e day as is...but if I was younger and my liver were almost virginic (is that a word ?) I d be all over this drug.
Ahh Halo. My first ever drug I ran back when I was 19.

All I remember was, at the start I could only bench 225lbs for 4 reps max. Six weeks later of running Halo and I was benching 315lbs for 2 reps all by myself with no spot

Yikes! 6 weeks is quite long for halo. What dose were you running?
Yikes! 6 weeks is quite long for halo. What dose were you running?

40mg I think but not ED. Just Monday-Thursday.

It was my first cycle. Had no clue what I was doing. Besides the Halo I was drinking Alcohol that Spring like it was water(first year in college). I learned the hard way why you shouldn't listen to gym bros about advice on AAS. I ran Halo only cycle with no AI or PCT or anything.

My coaches knew I was running it too because I had to get moved up to lift with the linebackers and tight ends instead of the skill positions group. LOL worst part is they encouraged it. My strength and conditioning coach literally told me "don't worry, we got ways to get around NCAA testing so keep doing what you're doing"
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40mg I think but not ED. Just Monday-Thursday.

It was my first cycle. Had no clue what I was doing. Besides the Halo I was drinking Alcohol that Spring like it was water(first year in college). I learned the hard way why you shouldn't listen to gym bros about advice on AAS. I ran Halo only cycle with no AI or PCT or anything.

My coaches knew I was running it too because I had to get moved up to lift with the linebackers and tight ends instead of the skill positions group. LOL worst part is they encouraged it. My strength and conditioning coach literally told me "don't worry, we got ways to get around NCAA testing so keep doing what you're doing"

Not surprised there. They know half of their team is using PEDS....they just wanna win.

I remember dudes in college who would run dbol for 3 months at a time while drinking heavily. No ai, no pct. I often tried to help but you know how college kids can be.
halo helps a lot on prep if you can handle being hangry plus the added aggression! haha but it does help you push through workouts when you're so depleted and keeps strength up some in such a deficit. also it seemed to give a harder leaner look although I didn't take it very long, last 2 weeks at 50mg/d. would prefer to have done 4 weeks.
I added halo to a cycle and loved it. Really changed the look of my muscles but I didn't get the huge strength gains like most. Moderate at best. Ran 5 mg every 12 hours so could have been dose related. Talk about feeling alpha though. Certainly did that. No negative sides in the three weeks
So I lent a buddy some PSL halo to try and the meat head started it at 30mg. I told him to start at 10 and work up as he feels comfortable. He said he instantly felt it on day one. He takes it all pre workout. He refused to listen to my advice.

Two weeks later, (yesterday) he confronts me with the remaining tabs.

He said "The time will come when I am ready for halo....but it is not now."

I got a kick out of that. Apparently he didn't like the aggression and he was prone to anxiety.