Hamstring pull


New member
I have a relatively minor hamstring injury that occurred in mid-June. I went to a sports med doctor and he had me go to physical therapy twice a week for 4 weeks. Unfortunately this hasn't yielded any improvement.

I've never had much pain with this injury, but it is keeping me from running, which I used to do every day. I want it to get better but neither time nor physical therapy is working. It's been rough.

I'm coming up on 4 months for this and want to do something that will help.

Question: What kind of steroid or hgh therapy would you recommend if I'm not interested in enhancing my body nor improving my athletic performance? I just want my freaking leg to heal.

If you think it would help, what kind of doc do I see for a legit script? Or is that just wishful thinking?

Thanks in advance!
i'm a Physical Therapist; from experience, hamstring injuries/pain can sometimes be misdiagnosed, especially if it has been 4months without improvement.
sometimes hamstring pain can be a referal pain from a lower back disc problem.
let me know how(what movement or execise) you injured it, and also, is the pain worse when you are sitting or standing.
if it is worse when sitting, i recomend to contact a orthopedic Doctor or chiropractor for an evaluation.
let me know if you have any questions.

in regards to using HGH or AAS, sorry, i'm a total rookie, wouldnt know.
Well I am currenly with a groin pull myself and I just came off a 20 week cycle of Test e, Deca, and EQ. So Im not sure how much steroids are going to help assist in the heal. I wil be running HGH and GHRP-6 soon and hope this will give me the edge to heal up faster. GHRP-6 is not that costly and might be a good peptide to try before steroids.
always happy to help,
and i promise im the type of person that, if asked a question and i dont know the answer, i will not give advice, just tell you guys i have no idea :)

Caladin, if you want, tell me what exercise you were doing when you injured yourself, and where the pain is; inner thigh, front of hip, side or back of hip.
groin injuries can also be a referral pain.

generally speaking, any pain around the hip joint and slightly below (such as the hamstring or quad or inner thigh) can be a referral pain from SI joint or Lumbar Spine.
especially when we all realise that the people on this Forum are obviously dealing with lifting of heavy loads/weights on a regular basis.

i will post a new thread on some basic pre and post workout exercise that can be done to minimise the chance of injury, and generally increase athletic performance.
Inner thigh and runs over my knee. Not any specific day... just noticed when I was goofing around with daughter in backyard. I was doing cartwheels and yard flips. Yep for an old man Im pretty limber.. well except it seems my inner thigh :)
lol, Caladin that's pretty funny.

do you feel that inner thigh pull more when you stand or when you sit?
if there is no difference, you might actually simply have a groin (adductor) strain, in which case, avoid stretching inner thighs, and of course cartwheels and flips :blue: or any activity that stretches or engages inner thighs.

also, lie down on the floor with legs straight, have your wife hold your heels together(making sure you are in straight line) if the sore leg looks shorter then the other (sometimes half an inch to an inch) find a local Chiropractor or Osteopath and have that adjusted.

these type of groin pulls take a long time to heal, because the adductors are relatively thin muscles and quite tendinous; but once rested should be fine.

keep us posted :)
lol, Caladin that's pretty funny.

do you feel that inner thigh pull more when you stand or when you sit?
if there is no difference, you might actually simply have a groin (adductor) strain, in which case, avoid stretching inner thighs, and of course cartwheels and flips :blue: or any activity that stretches or engages inner thighs.

also, lie down on the floor with legs straight, have your wife hold your heels together(making sure you are in straight line) if the sore leg looks shorter then the other (sometimes half an inch to an inch) find a local Chiropractor or Osteopath and have that adjusted.

these type of groin pulls take a long time to heal, because the adductors are relatively thin muscles and quite tendinous; but once rested should be fine.

keep us posted :)

Thanks IM,
I wil have woman take a look when she gets home. Yep it does not hurt when I stand or sit.
Hey Intelligentmovement,
Thanks for your willingness to help.
I slightly pulled the biceps femoris on my left leg. I went for a run on a particularly hot day in June and then after half of my run I ended up walking back, not because of leg pain, but just because it was hot and horrible.

When I got back I noticed a little tweaky pain in my left leg. Well, I stretched the crap out of it, which was a mistake. Eventually, the pain got worse until I took 2 weeks off and then went to a sports med doc who put me in physical therapy.

In PT I did a lot of core strengthening stuff and then slowly began re-strengthening the strained muscle. I was in PT for a month, 2x a week and did all the exercises faithfully at home. It seemed like it helped a bit, but that must have just been in my head. I have the feeling that all that exercise just kept my strain inflamed.

It's never been incredibly painful, just there. The motion that activates the pain most is when I begin to bend my leg from a straight position. That initial movement is painful if there's any resistance.

What do you say?

I've also heard of platelet rich plasma injections. What do you think of that?

Thanks again!
Hi beefamato,
i have to agree with your assessment that all that exercise might just have aggravated the injury.
unfortunately some PTs are all about strengthen strengthen strengthen... which in your case, not a good idea(considering your athletic background).

once again the leg length test is very usefull here.
in fact, i bet 10$ your injured leg is shorter then your other leg.
ask your woman, or buddy to check your legs, lie down flat on the floor (not bed) ask your assistant to make sure you are straight, (most people with rectus femoris problems will lie down bent to one side), have assistant gently tug on both legs together, then have them hold your heels together, to see if they match.

now if they do not match and one leg is shorter, you need to find a good deep tissue Massage therapist, and ask them for a "Psoas Release" they should also just generally work on your rectus femoris tendon. make sure you find someone who has lots of experience and good credentials, if they are cheap, dont go.

you also would do well going to an osteopath or Chiropractor, a good Chiro will also do a Psoas Release, you just might need to ask them to check your psoas. also chances are your pelvis is slightly off and they could help with that.

keep me posted
Thanks so much for the direction. I really appreciate your advice. I'll let you know what comes of it.
Rectus fem tear

Hi guys new to this from Scotland. I am a soccer player and have suffered so e bad injuries and now all I seem to get is muscle tears even when I train and stretch and even warm up well, I have protection shorts and still I get this thigh strain and hamstring problems one after the other. I think i am back 6 games in and I am just getting back to speed and boom! Again it goes small ping, no bruising or swelling but pain no mobility for a week and worry rest and stress for 6 weeks recovery. So can any one help I am about to try test, deca and hgh and now after 6weeks start a rehab training session will the drugs help. Or am I missing something like misdiagnoses maybe psosa like suggested for last guy can you explain more?

Thanks guys any help appreciated
Forgot to say I crashed a bike 10 years ago and the leg in question is smaller by around an inch or so. Not enough for a limp but it was a bad tibia break physio says it's ok but I don't think they always know everything and may not have enough experience.

This may help in answers or maybe send me off on wild hose chase again like, my doctor did. Thanks