hard time getting dextrose down


New member
I have been doing the dex/pro shake post work out...is 65 gr like 13 tablespoons? I mix the dex with the shake and it is so sweet that i am gagging on it, so do I just need to suck it up or am i measuring wrong?
That's a difficult one to call though since a tablespoon of peanut butter would weigh more than a tablespoon of dextrose for instance.
No wonder I got a good high from it! Seriously this may be dumb but what is the measuring process used of it not spoons? I don't have access to a scale...help
howboutcha? said:
No wonder I got a good high from it! Seriously this may be dumb but what is the measuring process used of it not spoons? I don't have access to a scale...help
Why dont you read the nutrtional fact list on the back of your dextrose? That will tell you how much by what measurement your getting.
StoneColdNTO said:
Just go spend $10 on a cheap kitchen scale.....problem solved.
Yup. I can sit here and try to help with all the measurment conversions I know but really it's only gonna be a ballpark estimate.

The only way to be certain is to pick up a cheapy scale.
the dextrose I got was a bulk kind with no nutritional values stated on it, it is for brewing ...any who thanks for your replys guys...I am going to get a scale on the way
home tonight, plus a friend told me about a site that converts weights for you www.gourmetslueth.com and it confirms what RdYo said it is 4.56 tablespoons.

Ya know sometimes I amaze myself at how stupid I can be...hehe....I am going to myself in the a##
Happy lifting guys