first of all, a quote from Heckman on the importance of keeping the pipes clean:
"I'll save you a this...I believe I posted this awhile ago, but here it is again..
Health Begins In The Colon
The human body is a metabolic car engine. We supply it with Fuel (food), it runs a pump (heart), an onboard computer (brain), electrical system (nerves), and requires an oil filter (liver).
I remember as a kid, as a prank, occasionally someone would stuff a potato up a car’s exhaust pipe. When you tried to start the car, it would only run for a few seconds before it would sputter and die. The same happens to the human body if the waste channel is stopped, you die within a few days.
But with most people it isn’t stopped, just malfunctioning, sluggish and constricted, which causes our body to back-up and overflow with toxic and poisonous waste material, run badly and get diseased.
With almost every American, this waste is slowly building up in the body fat, muscles, organs, just about everywhere. The average American stores from 6 to 10 pounds of fecal waste in their colon, this is NOT healthy.
When the backed up poisons reach critical levels, this can cause just about every disease known, your weakest organs and cells get sick and even die. This is one of the most common causes of disease today in America.
How could so many seemingly unrelated health problems be caused by constipation?
I remember when I was a kid and my older brother got his car, it was a 1950 Ford station wagon. Being more mechanically inclined, I did most of the work on it getting it to run. I used to be able to open up the hood, sit on a front fender with my feet and legs actually dangling inside the engine compartment and work on the engine, change spark plugs, whatever.
Get the picture, BIG CAR, BIG HOOD, little engine, lots of room. Nowadays, I open up the hood of my 1998 Ford Expedition and I just shut it right back up. Every square inch under the hood is jammed, packed with engine parts, power pumps, wires, hoses, pipes, filters, it is too complex, and even if I understood it, THERE IS NO ROOM to work on it. NO SPACE!
What’s my point? I used to think our anatomy was like my brother’s 1950 Ford, you know, a lung up here, a kidney down there, a bowel in the middle, with lots of room. Then one day in naturopathic school, I examined my first cadaver and WOW, what an engineering experience.
The human anatomy is not like my brother’s 1950 Ford at all, its like my 1998 Ford, every square inch is packed with something and everything is touching something else. This body of ours must have some incredible engineer.
Everything has its place and THERE IS NO EXTRA ROOM! If one organ swells or gets bigger, then another organ, usually the one next to it, gets squeezed, compressed or even worse, crushed.
Organs don’t work so well when they are crushed, and the blood, lymphatic, nerve and general circulation gets interrupted. Every organ needs good circulation to get nutrition in and waste out in order to be healthy. Squeezed and compressed organs get sick.
The entire colon is so big that it is connected to, touches, sits next to or is in the vicinity of every major organ in the human body except the brain. It also touches most of your major blood vessels and nerves.
Constipation causes the colon to literally swell, expand and even herniate. And according to the leading medical books, it is happening to all of us! So when an area of the colon gets constipated, and swells, it compresses and crushes the organ next to it. This could be the lungs, the heart, the liver and gall bladder, the pancreas, the kidneys and adrenals, the uterus, the prostrate, again, almost every major organ in the body.
This is simply why a constipated swollen colon can cause an almost endless amount of seemingly unrelated diseases and problems and I haven’t even discussed toxic build up in the colon that literally oozes into your blood and infects and poisons not just the nearby organs, but every organ and every cell in the body.
What’s the bottom line? A sluggish, constipated, swollen bowel, retaining pounds of fecal matter can either compress a nearby area causing disease, or emit infection and toxins which can affect and infect any area of the body.
This explains why about 80% of patients that came into my clinic healed their heart problems, fertility problems, liver problems, cholesterol problems, immune problems, blood sugar problems, adrenal and lack of energy problems, prostate problems, digestive problems, lower back problems, leg circulation and nerve problems, the list is almost endless.
They healed themselves by cleaning out their colons before I ever did any specialized treatment for their problem.
No matter how far removed the problem seems from the colon, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to do a bowel cleansing program instead of brain surgery, cleanse the bowel first and see what happens. If you’re like most people, you will be thrilled with the results."