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Originally Posted by ulter
With the holiday season fast approaching, it is once again time to look at Sesapure and Glucorell’s special role in minimizing the damage of the season’s festivities and overindulgences. To do this, let us take a close look at the holiday offenders and the impact they have on you.
Offender #1: Excessive Calorie Intake
Let’s face the facts: From mid-November through January there will be numerous opportunities for all of us to overindulge in a variety of holiday foods. This is in addition to full-day events and gatherings, such as Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day football parties, where ridiculously high calorie consumption has not only become the norm, but a tradition as well. Sesapure and Glucorell bring health benefits year-round when taken regularly, but what is extraordinary is their ability to bring a new, higher-level of effectiveness during holiday eating.
Sesapure helps to relieve the effects of holiday eating by limiting the production of lipogenic enzymes. What this means is it reduces the ability of the body to store fats eaten as body fat. When you eat a lot of calories at one sitting, particularly those that contain higher amounts of fat, your body is quite able to store those calories as body fat. In fact, this is what the body prefers to do! How did this come to be? Well, back in the days of yore, a human’s next meal was not a certainty – it was simply an advantage in the game of survival. However, as times changed, society embraced the days of 24-hour supermarkets and pizza delivery. Now, we live in a time where the richest, most calorie- dense foods are at your fingertips, and though these foods are convenient in our busy lives, the body’s ability to store fats easily has not adjusted accordingly. In other words, people eat these convenience foods more often, but the body is not yet convinced the next meal is coming; therefore excess fat storage from these foods is still something people must battle and worry about.
Adding Sesapure to your daily supplemental regimen will help to make your body less efficient at storing fats. Sesapure will also force the body to find better ways to utilize the fats you eat for fundamental, useful energy. In other words, Sesapure fights the body’s urge to be a fat-storing machine. Sesapure will also benefit your body by increasing the production of uncoupling proteins – the proteins that make your cells less efficient at utilizing energy. Overall, Sesapure will see to it that the calories your body does not use are not stored as body fat – rather, they will be wasted.
Glucorell is another fighter in the battle of holiday overindulgence; however, its role is to impact carbohydrate (carb) metabolism as well as insulin sensitivity. We all know that several of the holiday and party treats come in the form of sweets, chips, appetizers, and sugary cookies and cakes. When we eat these foods, simple sugars (simple carbohydrates) enter the bloodstream, spiking one’s blood sugar. In order to tame blood sugar and decrease it back to a normal level, the body naturally releases insulin. Insulin, by nature, balances the blood-sugar concentration by feeding the sugars from your treats to all cells in the body.
Glucorell, when taken on a regular basis, will reduce this insulin spikes in one’s blood. Why would someone want this? Well, the insulin spikes – though occurring for good reason – are actually lipogenic. This means that the insulin carries your excess carbohydrates away from muscle cells (the more efficient burning cells of the body) and takes them to the fat cells (where the carbs can be stored as a source of long-term energy).
Glucorell will cause the sugars to be used by the muscle cells more readily than the fat cells. Our muscle cells begin to wear down and burn out much like an engine would if it was over-worked, and this means that they cannot accept as much sugar to process as they used to. So when the sugars from your holiday treats go all throughout the body and are presented to particularly muscle and fat cells, the muscle cells pick up these sugars and use them very quickly. However, once the muscle cells are full and cannot accept more sugars, the leftover sugars will head toward fat cells instead. As most of us know, fat cells will accept sugars all throughout this process, and fat cells will especially soak up these sugars once the muscle cells have reached capacity.
In studies, worn-out muscle cells that were saturated with the ingredients in Glucorell soaked up six (6) times more glucose (sugars) than they did without it. This extra absorption of sugars by the muscle cells allowed for maximal amounts of glycogen and sugars to enter into the muscle cells, and it limited the ability of fat cells to mature. We don’t want the fat cells to mature fully because this causes a hormonal cascade that sustains the fat cells and makes their fatty acids less available for use. In other words, these hormones will stop fat-burning because the body cannot gain access to the fat stores. Glucorell allows the fat cells to still take up some of those eaten sugars in the form of tri-glycerides, and, in this form, the sugars will remain easily available to be used as energy.
Overall, Glucorell will reduce insulin spikes, so blood sugars will be more readily used for energy by the body. Furthermore, since insulin would have halted the utilization of carbohydrates by growth hormone, Glucorell’s ability to limit insulin spikes and their durations will keep your metabolism high.
Offender #2: Excessive Alcohol Intake (or any, for that matter):
Even those of us who enjoy a rare cocktail will find that the holiday season tends to mean more alcohol consumption. Whether it is at parties or while taking the edge off holiday stress, alcohol intake generally increases during these months. While we suggest drinking be kept to a minimum for health reasons, those that do have a drink or two will be pleased to hear that a little addition of Sesapure and Glucorell can make a significant difference on the impact alcohol has on your health and lifestyle.
Nothing ruins the holidays, or the work days in between, like a hangover, and Sesapure provides great benefits when it comes to the toxicity of alcohol. Alcohol itself is not particularly toxic, however its aldehyde metabolites are. Aldehydes are the primary substances that are created by your metabolism of alcohol, and they are responsible for most of its neurotoxic (brain-toxic) effects, also known as “hangovers”. Sesapure greatly up-regulates the production of aldehyde dehydrogenase -- the enzyme that breaks aldehyde down into a harmless substance called acetate. Because Sesapure converts these aldehydes so rapidly and completely to acetate, it minimizes the neurotoxicity since there are less aldehydes left in your system to generate the hangover in the first place.
Glucorell, during alcohol consumption, completes the alcohol-metabolizing equation by causing the anti-aldehyde enzymes to continue their work by reactivating them. When the Sesapure caused the body to make all that aldehyde dehydrogenase, the body originally used it to convert the alcohol’s aldehyde metabolites to the harmless acetates as described above. Usually, once the body uses the aldehyde dehydrogenase to make this conversion, the body will see this chemical as inactive or expired. However, Glucorell saves the day by restoring (re-charging) the “used” aldehyde dehydrogenase so that it can rejoin the metabolic battle, converting aldehydes into acetate over and over again. In the metabolic battle against toxic aldehyde metabolites, Sesapure creates more soldiers to fight and Glucorell gets them back in the battle to fight again.
Sesapure and Glucorell provide year-round metabolic benefits, but in the season of holiday indulgence, the damage-control they provide is second only to abstaining from those indulgences. Abstaining is all well and good, but may not be your choice. The addition of Sesapure and Glucorell to your holiday regimen can help reduce the weight gain and hangovers that are so prevalent in this happy holiday time.