Has anyone here had hair transplant or considered it?

yo Cashout, how long ago did he do transplant you see hair already? and from what i have read on transplants 5800 sounds like it would cover more than just the front hairline?

Last July. The transplanted hairs enter a dormant phase for about 3 months and then they begin to grow. It takes a full year for the transplanted hair to reach full density.

He had moderate temporal recession and had his entire hair line restored to look like it did when he was 18-21 yrs old.

wow..good for him..if I am losing hair on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doing just 140mgs a week could it be dose related if I was to drop to 100mgs a week possible wouldn't convert so much DHT? also my e stays at 48 with test level around 900 on 140mgs a week..any thoughts appreciated.
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As many of you know, I am a long time (16 years now) user of fina. Worked wonders for me.

MPB is a big problem on both sides of my family tree - every man on both sides has been totally bald by age 30 (except me of course b/c of fina).

My little brother just turned 30 and he refused to take my advice back in his 20's and get on fina when his hair started to thin. He was so worried about "going limp" that he wouldn't even consider the idea of using fina.

Well, he just spent $17K last July to get a follicular transplant of 5800 hairs moved from the back of his head to the front of his hairline.

It has not reached its full density yet (takes a full year) but by every indication, it is going to look fantastic.

It was a one day procedure that took about 10 hours. He worked with a specialist who only does hair transplants. That is the key to it. Do not go to someone who does hair transplants unless that is all they do. The guy he went to is in Atlanta and his name is Dr. Edmond Griffin. He has been doing transplants for 25 years. He is one of the the very best in the country. He ain't cheap but if you are going to do this - do it right.

If you want more info, let me know. My brother is an MD (Pediatrics) also so he did his homework. I'll find out anything that you might want to know.

I'm assuming insurance will not cover any of it?
wow..good for him..if I am losing hair on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doing just 140mgs a week could it be dose related if I was to drop to 100mgs a week possible wouldn't convert so much DHT? also my e stays at 48 with test level around 900 on 140mgs a week..any thoughts appreciated.

Reducing the weekly mgs may help. Of course, where that gets problematic is how you feel when you reduce the dose.

Your E seems a little high. I try to keep mine around 20.

Are you using an AI?

My Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is structured to keep me on the high side of T.

I use 200mgs of Test cyp a week, Adex .5mgs on M & Th, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 iu, on Sunday, and 1.25 mg of fina daily.

My test stays between 900 - 1800 ng/dl and my free is generally above 220.

That is where I feel the best.

I'd suggest you look into fina (Propecia). That is what I have used for 16 years.

Cashout.. I really have myself in a jam from my e being hi if I dont keep myself very lean I get swollen nips so it looks to me like more bodyfat the e shows signs?? but then here are my bigger issues tried adex in past 1/4 pill i feel like shit 2 hours later ..really bad..and without it if I start propetia that will bring out the gyno I think . I know I need help caue been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 4-5 years and now issues are showing cause I am just using T.
Cashout.. I really have myself in a jam from my e being hi if I dont keep myself very lean I get swollen nips so it looks to me like more bodyfat the e shows signs?? but then here are my bigger issues tried adex in past 1/4 pill i feel like shit 2 hours later ..really bad..and without it if I start propetia that will bring out the gyno I think . I know I need help caue been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 4-5 years and now issues are showing cause I am just using T.

Never heard of anyone having that sort of reaction to Adex. Have you tried letro? Perhaps A-sin. If none of those do the trick, use Nolva for the gyno but I'd do what you can to get your E down b/c that seems to be the source of the problem.

I have to start by saying thank you for taking the time my head is a bit wacked over this...couple questions what is A-sin? I do have 2 things on hand from ************ letrozole 2.5m a year old(still good?) and some compounded anastrozole .25 from my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dr. he said perhaps .25 wont bother me...I take my test enanthate 70mgs monday 70 mgs friday...what day would I take the anti E and if letro how much ...could high E cause more conversion to dht or be adding to hair loss? thx mucn
I have to start by saying thank you for taking the time my head is a bit wacked over this...couple questions what is A-sin? I do have 2 things on hand from ************ letrozole 2.5m a year old(still good?) and some compounded anastrozole .25 from my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dr. he said perhaps .25 wont bother me...I take my test enanthate 70mgs monday 70 mgs friday...what day would I take the anti E and if letro how much ...could high E cause more conversion to dht or be adding to hair loss? thx mucn

You're welcome - glad to help.

Yup, by blocking the conversion of test to estrogen we do run the risk of indirectly increasing DHT as well. Since less test will be converted to estrogen there is a chance that it would provide the opportunity for some of the additional test we spare from aromatization to be reduced to DHT.

A-sin is Aromasin - a steroidally structured Aromatase inhibitor (AI). It is similar to Adex and Letro in effect but it differs in structure. Still, a very powerful AI.

If it is liquid Letro from a "research company" I would start with .3 ml on Monday and Thursday to see how you react. Letro has about a 4 day half life so that schedule should be fine

Test the waters with that and see how you feel. If you feel OK, you might then try adding in Fina at 1.25 mg daily to protect your hairline.

Make sure you make these changes over several weeks one at a time so we know what change was caused by each addition.

it isnt worth it. waste of money. ive known so many peopl who have done it, waste of money. it goes to hell in 4 months. and you have to do it again
does the letro have a long shelf-life. like I said this is a bout a year old..also my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dr. will give me scripts to most ai's I am interested in Aromasin due to the way I felt on a-dex (though I may try again). is it worth trying the letro liquid "the stop" or is shelf-life shot?
it isnt worth it. waste of money. ive known so many peopl who have done it, waste of money. it goes to hell in 4 months. and you have to do it again

i agree. not because it doesn't work (it better for that much scratch), just because i can't see wasting that much money on your fucking hair unless it involves your livelihood.

But to each their own... insecurity comes in all shapes and sizes. lol
if you make good $ why would you not spend it on the things you want ...if you dont make money; you end up counting the money other guys make and spend on things they enjoy and can afford ...a guy doesnt have time time use a million dollar yacht although he can afford one.. so he buys hair or a ferrari cause he has time to drive it to work...I say work your balls off all week so you can buy whatever the fuck you want on the weekends
does the letro have a long shelf-life. like I said this is a bout a year old..also my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dr. will give me scripts to most ai's I am interested in Aromasin due to the way I felt on a-dex (though I may try again). is it worth trying the letro liquid "the stop" or is shelf-life shot?

I'm not really sure what the shelf life might be of liquid letro.

I suggested the Aromasin b/c you mentioned you felt bad on adex. As I wrote, Aromasin is a steroid in structure so it is a different type of drug than adex altogether. I would go with that first if you can get a script for it. Perhaps 12.5 mg on Monday and again on Thursday and see how you feel.

i agree. not because it doesn't work (it better for that much scratch), just because i can't see wasting that much money on your fucking hair unless it involves your livelihood.

But to each their own... insecurity comes in all shapes and sizes. lol

Of course, that's why we all train, isn't it?

These days, money is of no concern to either him or me - I've got plenty of it and he is banking large as a pediatrician. I've not worked since I sold my company in 2000. If the little bro keeps it up he might catch up with me in due time too!
little help with letro... i have bottle of 2.5 per ml. On a 3ml syringe .25 would be the first black line;assuming there is 10 lines per ml. correct? thx or actually what line would be .3ml on 3ml syringe thx..
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