Has anyone seen this on Ytube? He admitted everything including using Synthol

I don't know what to say he won Contra Costa, usually you win that and you're headed to IFBB pro status.

Some might say he's promoting steroids for the young, but I like the idea he's telling the truth. The ones who should be getting the hate of society are IFBB pros claiming "Take this supplement and you can look like me". The educated individuals know 99% of supplements are bullshit snake oil, but children and teens don't realize that - they lie and encourage fail hope.

That being said, what he did I think is dumb - I wouldn't go that heavy unless I was getting paid, or a rich millionaire with nothing better to do.
Apparently he's been cycling since he was 17 or something. I don't know much about what determines if someone has good genetics or not, but personally I don't think he looks very impressive. Especially after running that much gear for a year.

If he's talking all that and looks the way he does he has average genetics.

Dorian claims 1G of test gave him the majority of his size, and used only other drugs to obtain the cuts/dense look for the judges.
I think honestly it all amounts to higher level bodybuilding being a fucked up sport.... because just like I said kevin levrone was only 22 at the mr Olympia and he got second place... I mean somebody go look up his damn video and you guys will see. He was not just taking multi vitamins and a 500mg dose of test e a week. I have read his interviews and he plainly stated to that his parents had both died and he did not give a FUCK. So he did what it took and he became one of the most succesfull bodybuilders of all time... Would I recommend some one to do that... NO! but the reason is because he was a 1 in a million case he had perfect genetics and determination. How many of us can really say we have either one of those. To the degree he had. I mean the normal guy just does not have either one of those traits like kevin did. I mean the determination he had is honestly rarer then the genetics in my opinion. Dorian even say he was the hardest training guy he ever met. And that is dorian saying that. Boston loyd couldn't compare to either one of those guys in a billion years of training and a body that responded perfectaly to juice. You know why.... lol because boston loyd is a douche and does not have the mental capacity to make it and does not have the genetics.
Im sorry to say but I do not believe dorian.... plus lets say he did just take 1 gram of test... that doesn't mean he didn't take 100 ius of insulin and 30 ius of hgh a day. Plus crazy high anadrol. Look at him when he was young. He had more than just a growth spurt.
So who do you think Steroids are ok for?

Personally I see nothing wrong with an 18 year old kid going balls deep in a cycle if they're about to sign a $50 million dollar contract with the MLB, NBA, etc..
Im sorry to say but I do not believe dorian.... plus lets say he did just take 1 gram of test... that doesn't mean he didn't take 100 ius of insulin and 30 ius of hgh a day. Plus crazy high anadrol. Look at him when he was young. He had more than just a growth spurt.

He lacks the GH cut - I don't think HGH and insulin was used with dorian's physique (or used minimally).
I think dorian was just a lot smarter than a lot of the pro's now days who use hgh and insulin and might have watched its effects a little bit more and was more carefull of side effects... I mean jay used a lot to compete with Ronnie. And Ronnie used a lot because he knew that's what it took. And phil and those guys use it to.
I've seen this video a few times... Its screams of someone that doesn't really know the basic science behind everything he's using. He's just injecting the plan laid out for him by his trainer, and probably could never tell you anything about half lives, synergy or post cycle therapy (pct). I want to say this is the same guy who created a video on how to use synthol, and in his video shows withdrawing from the vial (never once swabbed the rubber cap), then says make sure you change needs to inject... there's lots of nasty bacterial on that rubber you don't want in your muscle. WTF! CLUELESS

Agreeing with 3J, he's giving young guys the idea that they need to jump on loads of gear and an advanced cycle right out of the gate... Not once does he tell the viewer how he built up to that level of usage.

Edit: Found the video!
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I agree with 3j to. I think boston loyd gives the sport a bad name. I am just saying that a lot of todays top pro's started very young to. And im sure they started doing some pretty heavy cycles younger than we would advise. I don't condone it. I just think bodybuilding has a lot darker side to it than most of us know.
A lot of the guys I have talked to that wanted to go pro and had some one mentoring them. They said the protocals were to extreme and they did not want to die young from massive drug use.
I mean you can only get so genetically big with out steroids and drugs. At a certain point it starts to come down to just diet and drug use and training of course. But each one of those are just as important as the other at the top levels..
I mean you can only get so genetically big with out steroids and drugs. At a certain point it starts to come down to just diet and drug use and training of course. But each one of those are just as important as the other at the top levels..

Chemical warfare and genetics is all that is left in professional BB.
If you've read anything GH15 has to say about advanced bodybuilding, you'll quickly realize just how intense the pro world is. They're using and doing stuff 95% or more of us will never touch or even need to consider. Its pretty mind boggling, especially once you understand what the basic beginning user would need to do to ramp up to that level! I think its great that he's more or less blowing the lid off the "secrets" but newbies need to have the mental capacity to realize you don't start from those standards.

Its not just AAS either, its the use of Insulin non stop, Growth hormone and many other concepts that make these guys look the way they do on stage.