Has anyone seen this on Ytube? He admitted everything including using Synthol

i guess i cant blame you guys for not understanding.. videos like this promote steroid abuse *which is what he is doing* and add to the stereotype of steroid users..

this is not safe gear use

i agree a million times here
Lollll 1 gram a week haha. You guys believe that? I posted on another thread. I know personally some pros and il tell you no one and I mean noooo one is only doing a gram of test. Of course some more then others but some are doing 1 gram test every day! And 40iu growth per day. Plus insulin. Big doses of deca anadrol masteron tren. Peptides. Any sport high level in some way your damaging yourself. If you want to be the best you can't live a balanced lifestyle. It's full boar extreme thats all u do from morning to night.
He does what he has to do to get where he wants to get. What's the big deal about his age? Who gives a shit if he is 21 or 31? He will be on for life either way. At 21 he just has more time to get bigger.

well my guess is it will be a short life when he starts into slin and diuretics..