Has anyone seen this on Ytube? He admitted everything including using Synthol

your guessing correctly.. how dumb to be at that level of gear at that age..

whats the use of all the great sticky's we have here... people will do what they wanna do..
I think its great that he's more or less blowing the lid off the "secrets"

Well that's the thing. I don't think he's really exposing anything. Guys who get surprised it takes more than the average amount of gear to be 300lbs. at 5'9 usually aren't the brightest in the patch. I think the real reason pros won't expose the amounts they take is one it's completely unsafe no matter what anyone says to run those amounts and two they don't want any kids getting any bright ideas. With Loyd publicly telling his protocol it doesn't expose anything expect maybe his particular doses, it only gives kids these ideas they need to run this to get to that size. He's even mentioned in videos about teenage guys Facebook messaging him about their insulin coming in and how much they need to take. It's ridiculous.
first and formost this kid is an idiot--The Don KingTolo..

that being said.. he is in terrible health and i know this because i do insane dosages but then again hes also young as hell and you can tell he doesnt moderate anything.. when i get to the level i cant breathni cut doages but weezy over their on youtube is now influencing and sending out the wrong messages.. he is msking us as bodybuilders look mad and irresponsible and it takes idiots like that, that will tarnish the sport influence the uneducated and cause more crackdowns on the blackmarket.. if he wants to talk about how kuch of a tool he is take it to a forum so we can chew him up.. then again i wouldnt be suprised if he is one of the idiots we gave advice to over the years who became rebelious and created that video.. also with the ammount of gear he runs he still looks just bloated and like shit.. so we know his diet is not on Q... agh its ok ill see this young buck at one of the shows give him a nice little smack in the back of the head tell him to wise up before he ends up damaging himself or passing.. sad to say with those components it can be fatal to much slin in his life.. and the synthonol is a pure waste of time and energy unless you want to become a balloon animal.. we all know who is getting a random DT at his next show haha idiot
The one thing that I will say is that I give him credit for being upfront and honest with what he is using, also seems like a pretty cool guy. However it is an unfortunate side affect that a lot of kids will watch his video's and go off the deep end with no real idea of what they are doing.
People still haven't seen this kid?? Lol. There was so much fucking hype when he released this video. What's even worse is that his trainer did his drug regimen for him. I don't remember if he specified who it was, but the guy has been training bodybuilders for years. For someone with that kind of knowledge to put a 21 year old kid on that amount of gear is insane. I recall him mentioning the trainer asking him "how bad do you want to win?" and then giving him the protocol. He also mentioned being with a trainer before the aforementioned, that gave him a regimen he couldn't handle and ended up firing the trainer. Dave Palumbo is his trainer now, and he's fucking Dave's daughter :p
Lol dave would have dropped that stupid fucking retard kid if he wasn't going out with his daughter. I mean that dumb fuck making that video was insanely stupid. I wonder what came first. Him going out with daves daughter or dave training him. Because I bet money boston used daves daughter to get trained by dave and didn't really like his daughter. And if he went out with daves daughter after being trained by dave I bet still it was a strategic move to get closer to dave so he could really get the legit hook up on things and get lower prices on training. I mean boston said he would jack off on camera for a man in another video where he talked shit about dallis mcarver so boston would definitely go out with daves daughter to get the hook up on drugs or discount training.

Honestly if I was boston I would be afraid for my life. Because he is making it so a lot of heat comes down on UGL's and research companies. Not to mention making the ifbb and NPC look bad. This might sound very stupid but I have often wondered if the mafia ever had anything to do with the IFbb in the beginnings to even now days. Because I saw a few pictures of joe wieder from back in the day and his brother and they look like they almost emulated the mafia type of cloathing style and attitude to a certain degree. I mean you know the mafia couldn't resist a business that is based on drug use to begin with. Think about it. Even greg valentino has talked about how a Made guy was going to kill him for being indebt for steroids. And boston is going around blabbing his mouth about a industry that is around a billion dollars a year including all the supplement companies. Lol I think he is naïve and a fucking idiot. Some one couldn't pay me to go on you tube and make a video that would bring heat upon organized crime. Lol he is just fat fuck with shitty genetics a low IQ and is conniving. Any fucking body out there could pump them self up full of drugs have a half ass diet and rely on T3 clenbuterol and tren to loose weight.
What is sad is all the attention that has been payed to him. Has just turned him into a very exclusive high paid personal trainer. I can almost guarantee one of his clients are a under cover DEA agent. I mean Victor Martinez got popped that way. And victor never made a damn video about drug use.
What is sad is all the attention that has been payed to him. Has just turned him into a very exclusive high paid personal trainer. I can almost guarantee one of his clients are a under cover DEA agent. I mean Victor Martinez got popped that way. And victor never made a damn video about drug use.

yea i agree but i know he doesnt sell so you do have the freedom of speech and i think everything he showed in his videos he had a scrip for thats why i dont think he showed all the test
yea i agree but i know he doesnt sell so you do have the freedom of speech and i think everything he showed in his videos he had a scrip for thats why i dont think he showed all the test

Even if he didn't have a script there's no incriminating evidence. It's not illegal to video tape yourself with kilos.
What a lot of people do not get is cops could give a fuck less about incriminating evidence they still might follow you or try to set you up or start x raying your mail or something.... Also his video's are endangering kids and cops and politicians do not fuck around about that shit. It is a great reason for the cops to pull him over randomly or even go as far as planting something on him. There is a thin line between criminals and the good guys and it often blurs.
well from my state the gear isnt what thr cops are.looking.for they are looking for stuff like pain.killers.n hardcore drugs that kill atleast 5 ppl awek in my town.. which is sad but true.. but yes u are right.mad.. thid kid boston.is endangering the youth for.no reasonn.. he is motivating these kids to do stuff at an unreasonable dosage as well as putting heat on himself as.well as giving my bodybuilding culture a bad rep!!!.. thrn again.i pulled up this kids picture for his shows he isnt anything.special at the doses he runs i would have expected him.to.look.phenominal.. im not sure about him but my boy.and.i sre going back on stage thid.time in northeast we will encounter this kid.. we have great influences here for us.. who are not promoting anything.this kid is promoting n we look a hell.of alot better then this kid.. so ill be excited for the face off with.mr.lloyd.. its a shame too bcz i.will be starting my own northeast team between P.A... M.A.. N.Y.. R.I.. and C.T.. but i would never want a lose canon of that nsture on my team.. i might do two competitors from each class!!
The other scary thing about Bostin is I have seen him post on Facebook many times how he will not go get blood work from any "Stupid Doctors" and that he will only react to how he feels. I am sure his blood is like sludge at this point since he has never given blood or had it checked.
well jamz the.kid is a complete idiot.. im sure i.will encountrr him soon.. and.i.will try to give him friendky advice but the kid wil most deff have a heart attack before he reach 25 st the rate hes going.. im sure his body looks like a nuclear reactor at the.moment.. he will have a rude awakening once he realizes he will get no sponsers and by that vid the judges will be biased against him.. more or less he dug his grave before his career picked up.. now.he is having a negative impact in his physical health.. he will find himself at 26 years old not in one magazine or endorsement with multiple health problems and well forgotten pulumbo is not doing his job right n its kindof ashame
He is an idiot in the sense he's not building his physique with hard work, nutrition, and most importantly time. He should be on wayyyyy lower doses and adjust doses according to plateaus and other such things. Oh and don't get it twisted I know ifbb pro body builders and many take doses that would blow your mind. For example I know of guys who do up to a gram of test a day (dead serious, like 5000 to 7000 a week!) And 40iu of growth.
I couldn't imagine how toxic ud be, not to mention the amount of ancillaries needed for those alien like doses.